Material Indicator and Performance

Performance Highlights for 2023


Professional Transportation
  • The punctuality rate is 99.58%, and the average delay time is only about 0.19 minutes.
  • Since the commencement of operations to the end of 2023, the number of casualties among passengers due to traffic accidents is 0.
  • A total of 1,800 sets of turnout inspections were completed, with 8,241 km of routine track inspections and track irregularity inspections completed.
  • 100 disaster prevention and rescue drills (training) were completed.


Innovative Technology
  • The cumulative number of downloads of the THSRC T-EX mobile ticketing app has exceeded 14.99 million.
  • The average accuracy of Artificial Intelligent Customer Service was 95.7%.
  • No personal information leakage in 2023.
  • Completed the preparation of the "Application of intelligent drone for HSR bridge inspection maintenance system" and will save triple of the manpower and time after it is officially launched in 2024.
  • Completed the preliminary work planning of the "Smart Cloud for Safety " and promoted the operation of the security data cloud platform and security management tools.


Enhancing Local Connection
  • Tourism Project has been promoted in 2023 and generated nearly 4.025 million tourists, which is 38% increase over last year.
  • THSRC introduced Sustainable Supply Chain management in 2023, which has updated new policies, codes of conduct and has carried out hierarchical management of supply chains based on the guidance. THSRC achieved 99% of local labor service procurement, and more than 60% of materials procurement.
  • In 2023, the amount of green procurement has reached to NT$ 380 million, accounting for 3% of the total procurement value.
  • From 2011 to 2023, THSRC worked with a total of 135 alternative material development suppliers, saving a total amount of nearly NT$ 3.65 billion.
  • THSRC entrusted China Steel Corporation to develop and manufacture the "Overhead Catenary System Maintenance Vehicle" and completed the delivery of 12 engineering vehicles in December 2023.
  • Actively sign memorandums of industry-academia cooperation with domestic colleges and universities and cooperate with 15 colleges and universities to promote internship programs in 2023.


Sustainable Care
  • Expanded the GHG inventory to all locations (stations, depots, headquarters, Taoyuan Operation Management Center, and main lines (trains and roadside equipment)) and obtained ISO 14064-1 verification. Based on the calculation of passenger-kilometer, THSRC significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1,042,859 metric tons compared to passenger cars, which is equivalent to the carbon uptake of 2,681 Da-An Forest Park.
  • The annual solar power generation of the four maintenance depots and six stations reached 9,673.471 MWh.
  • THSRC continues to sponsor NT$ 1.143 million to Jacana Ecological Education Park every year, with a cumulative amount of NT$ 69.89 million.
  • THSRC raised around NT$68.49 million under the “The High-Speed Educational Endowment Program.”
  • From 2009 to 2023, the “THSRC Smiling Train Program” aided 863 disadvantaged groups with a total of 148,504 participants.
  • A total of 2,328 people participated in the “THSRC Winter Outreach Blood Drive” event, with 3,503 units of blood raised.

Operational Performance

Profile Disclosure Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of Train Services times 46,792 54,054 54,991
Passenger Volume thousands 43,460 54,162 73,087
Punctuality Rate
(Arrival Within Five Minutes of Scheduled Time,
Excluding Delays Due to Force Majeure)
% 99.00 99.47 99.58
Reliability Rate
(Excluding Delays Due to Force Majeure)
% 100.00 99.99 100.00
Average Delay Time for Arrival at Terminal Station minutes 0.29 0.24 0.19