Corporate Information

Item Content
Stock code 2633
Name 台灣高速鐵路股份有限公司
Full English Name Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation
Acronym THSRC
Address (Chinese) 115605 臺北市南港區經貿二路66號13樓
Address (English) 13F., No. 66, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 115605, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel +886-2-8789-2000
Fax +886-2-8789-3000
Major Business Items Management of High Speed Rail
Uniform No. 16446274
Establishment Date 1998/5/11
Chairman 鄭光遠 (Jeng Kung Yeun)
President 鄭光遠 (Jeng Kung Yeun)
Spokesman 鄒衡蕪 (Elaine Tsou)
Title of Spokesman Vice President
E-mail of Spokesman
Paid-up Capital NTD 56,282,930,580
Listing Date 2016/10/27
Emerging Stock Offering Date 2003/9/5
Public Offering Date 2001/4/30
Common Stocks 5,628,293,058 shares
Preferred Stocks 0 shares
Share Transfer Agent and Registrar Transfer Agency Department, Fubon Securities
Tel. of Share Transfer Agent and Registrar +886-2-2361-1300
Address of Share Transfer Agent and Registrar 10047 11F, No. 17, Shu Chung Street, Chungchen District, Taipei City
Attestation CPA Firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan
Attestation CPA Chih Fan Yu / Chien Hung Chou