Energy and Waste Management

Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction

1. THSRC used the Energy Product Unit Heating Value Table as specified in the 2016 Energy Statistics Handbook published by the Bureau of Energy, the heating value of 1 liter of diesel fuel for motor vehicles is 7,800 Kcal/L, and the heating value of diesel fuel is 8,400 Kcal/L, which is 4.187KJ per Kcal; 1 KWh= 0.0036GJ.
2. Solar power generation facilities at four maintenance depots of Wuri, Yanchao, Zuoying, and Liujia were installed on the rooftop area of these maintenance depots rented by operators in the electric power industry. Electric power generated by such equipment was sold to Taiwan Power Company, so there was no data of green power consumption. As there is no renewable energy equipment installed at the headquarters office, there was no data of green power consumption, either.
3. The scope of energy consumption in each year are constant as whole TSHRC, included all trains, maintenance depots, stations, Taoyuan Operation Management Center, headquarters and corporate vehicles.

Percentage of Energy Use in 2023

1. The inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in this table adopts the operational control approach.
2. Greenhouse gas emission inventory in 2021 included only 12 THSRC stations.
3. Greenhouse gas emission inventory in 2022 included whole company, including 12 stations, 4 maintainance depots, Headquarters office, Taoyuan Operation Management Center and main line (trains and roadside equipment); and followed with ISO 14064-1:2018 standards which obtained in 2023,September. As the calculation of electric power emission in 2022 was updated in 2023, so the data was different from that in THSRC's 2022 and 2023 Sustainability Reports.
4. THSRC green house gas emission self-inventory does not included refrigerant, welding rods, CO2 fire extinguisher and others Scope III emission. 2023 green house gas emission expected to be completely inventoried and verified in 2024, December, the data will updated in 2024 Sustainability report and published in 2025.
5. Emission factors for gasoline and diesel fuel were corresponding factors from Version 6.0.4 (June 2019) of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Management Table published by Ministry of Environment.
6. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) was taken from the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
7. The types of greenhouse gases emitted included sulfur dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorocarbon, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.

Low-Carbon Trains, and Green Stations

Building Low-Carbon Trains

THSRC utilizes the industrial benefits of low-carbon transportation to offer passengers environmentally friendly, fast, and convenient transportation services while effectively mitigating the environmental impact of operations. The average electricity consumption per passenger served at THSR stations and bases has decreased from 2.25 kWh in 2008, with a yearly decrease of 0.73 kWh. However, in 2023, the electricity consumption per passenger at THSR stations and bases increased to 1.00 kWh and 0.25 kWh, respectively. Nevertheless, this still represents a significant reduction from 1.35 kWh at THSR stations and 0.34 kWh at the bases in 2022. When calculated in terms of the passenger-kilometer carried by THSRC in 2023, the Company was able to reduce CO2e by 1,042,859 metric tons compared to smaller passenger cars. This reduction is equivalent to the carbon uptake of 2,681 Da-An Forest Parks.

  • "Carbon Footprint label of High Speed Rail Transportation Services" and "Carbon Footprint of Passenger Transportation Between Stations" verification certificate and label.
  • In 2020, we applied to the Ministry of Environment for an extension and were awarded a renewed carbon footprint label, which valid until December 16, 2025. As we have achieved our carbon reduction commitment of reduction by more than 3% within three years (by 4.92% in practice), we were awarded a "Carbon Reduction Label."

In order to continuously improve the energy use efficiency of trains, THSRC has introduced the LED device replacement plan and the energy-saving train operation plan. The former one has been promoted from November 2013 to the end of 2023, saving 14,847 MWh of electricity cumulatively and reducing CO2e by 7,669 metric tons. The latter one continues to promote energy-saving plans through the “Train Energy Conservation Team,” which has been promoted from 2010 to 2023, reducing approximately 332,986 MWh of electricity and CO2e by 173,935 metric tons. The table below shows the amount of electricity saving and carbon reduction in the past three years.

1. THSRC used the 2010-2022 National Electric Power Emission Factor published by the Bureau of Energy and calculated emissions in 2023 using emission factors in 2022.
2. Only electricity consumption in train operation was included. Electricity consumption for lighting and air-conditioners on trains was not included.
3. The original annual carbon savings in 2022 as compared to those in 2010 were 12,990 metric tons, which was adjusted to 12,989 metric tons in the recalculation due to the adjustment of the 2022 emission factors.
4. In 2023, due to the landslide incident restoration on the Miaoli section, the speed limit of trains was implemented, resulting in a decrease in the energy-saving benefits of train driving in that year.

Promoting Green Stations

THSRC has implemented energy-saving projects at 5 maintenance depots and 12 stations, and has established a comprehensive energy efficiency improvement plan to develop zero-carbon emission green stations with the continued implementation of four major energy-saving schemes “autonomous energy conservation management, reduce electricity consumption, transfer peak electricity usage, and use electricity reasonably”. HSR stations are designed with a sustainable environment concept that includes "ecology, energy conservation, waste reduction, and health". Several energy-saving measures are implemented to suit the geographical environment of each station, reducing the load on building materials and air conditioning. The maintenance depots prioritize energy reduction planning and several improvement measures for existing equipment to reduce the average energy consumption of passengers served at the stations and maintenance depots.

Note: This is a “planned electricity consumption reduction measure” during the summer months (June to September), which means that Taipower provides tariff incentives, and the Company evaluates its own operating nature and applies for a contract for measures to reduce electricity consumption. During periods of high load on the power system or power supply difficulties, Taipower can guide users to reduce or suspend part of the electricity consumption to improve the system load.

In response to the global trend of sustainable energy transition and in line with the renewable energy policy promoted by the government, THSRC has built solar power generation facilities at maintenance depots and stations. In 2023, the annual solar power generation reached 9,673.471MWh. The total power generation of the four maintenance depots was 7.186.51 MWh, and the power generated was all sold to Taipower; the total power generation of the six HSR stations was 2,486.96 MWh, of which 186.23 MWh was used by the HSR station, and the rest was sold to Taipower.

Solar Power Generation at Four THSR Maintenance Depots

Power Generation at Six HSR Stations

Optimization of Sustainable Operations

THSRC not only actively implements low-carbon measures related to transportation services but also promotes energy saving measures in our operations. The Company aims to achieve the medium- and long-term goal of energy conservation and environmental protection through various measures, such as improve building energy consumption efficiency, increase electronic devices energy efficiency and also introduced green material project to achieve environmental sustainability goal. The headquarters office and Taoyuan Operations Management Center aim to save energy and reduce carbon emissions by 10% before 2027. As a result, THSRC headquarters office and Taoyuan Operations Management Center achieved significant energy savings in 2023 as below.

Headquarters office:

  • The complete substitution of LED lighting in August 2019 and installation of heat-resistance window film in the headquarters office until December 2023 has result in a total electricity savings of 179,043 kWh and a reduction in emissions of roughly 117 metric tons of CO2e
  • In 2023, approximately 49,620 electronic documents were utilized, resulting in the conservation of approximately 595,440 sheets of paper, 71 trees, and a reduction of 852 kilograms of carbon emissions (Note).

Taoyuan Operation Management Center:

  • Taoyuan Operation Management Center total energy consumption in 2023 was 4,670,000 (kWh), compared with 2022 total energy consumption 4,850,000 (kWh), decrease 180,000 (kWh), which equal to reduction of 118 tons CO2e.
  • Plan to substitute 400 LED lighting annually which approximately saving 40,000 kWh energy consumption yearly, which roughly reduce about 26 tons CO2e.
  • From January 2020 to December 2023, a total of 320,000 kWh of electricity has been saved, equivalent to a reduction of 163 metric tons of CO2e emissions. The insulation material of the ice water pipeline has been replaced with a new insulation material that meets the UL-94 HF Class 1 fire protection certification year by year, and a total of 19 areas on the 2nd floor, 3rd floor and 1st basement floor of the Taoyuan Operation Management Center have been completed by 2023.

Note: Based on a reduction of 12 sheets of paper per electronic document and 5 grams of A4 paper per sheet, the switch to electronic documents will save about 2.97 metric tons of paper in 2023; according to the information provided by the Environmental Quality Protection Foundation; one metric tons of paper requires cutting down 24 trees of 12 meters in height and 15 to 20 centimeters in diameter; one tree absorbs about 12 kg of CO2e per year (

With the increasing consumer awareness of sustainability, THSRC is also offering a low-carbon and convenient riding experience to its customers through a range of ticketing services. The relevant performances for 2023 are outlined below:

THSRC has implemented three major strategies, namely water conservation, use reduction, and recycle and reuse. Meanwhile, established an Energy Conservation Project Team to hold quarterly review meetings to examine the progress of implementation and actively practice water resource management. In 2023, the water conservation rate reached 19.01%, which is an improvement from 2022 and continues to meet the goal of reducing water consumption.

In 2023, THSRC used the water resources management tool of the World Resources Institute (WRI) for risk assessment. THSRC's water intake source is in the fifth range of 2.6-3.0 in a medium-to-low stress region. THSRC stations, maintenance depots, and THSRC's headquarters office use tap water as the source of water rather than groundwater.

Regarding waste water management, THSRC has set up waste water treatment plants at various maintenance depots and Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan Stations. Professionals with wastewater treatment licenses will classify and treat the sewage to meet the standards for effluents(Note). The remaining stations directly discharge sewage into sewers with sewage treatment fees paid regularly. Moreover, environmental management audits performed, THSRC complies with the “Water Pollution Prevention and Control Measures Plan”, and the requirements of environmental laws and regulations. The total water discharge in 2023 was 71.45 million liters, and a report was filed on the quality and quantity of effluents from the sewage treatment plants as scheduled.

1. The effluent standard complies with the effluent standard limit of the “specially polluted sewer system in other designated areas or places” specified under the Water Pollution Control Act, which includes water temperature < 35° C (October to April) < 38 ° C (May to September), pH value between 6.0 and 9.0, oil and fat < 10 mg/L, suspended solids <30 mg/L, chemical oxygen demand < 100 mg/L, biochemical oxygen demand < 30 mg/L, ammonia and Escherichia coli).
2. The raise of total water withdrawal was mainly due to the increase in traffic volume by 34.55% compared with last year (2022).

THSRC is committed to reducing the amount of waste and increasing the rate of waste recycling year by year. The recycling of THSRC's waste, including the resources generated from train maintenance operations and transportation services, as well as the recycling, clean-up, and disposal of and general industrial waste and waste at all HSR maintenance depots and stations are all processed by qualified licensed operators. Non-recyclable general industrial waste is ultimately disposed in incinerators. THSRC also manages the contractors through a contract mechanism to facilitate supervision of their compliance with relevant waste regulations. In 2023, the total amount of waste treated as per the reports filed was 7,322.23 metric tons, and 2,191.88 metric tons of waste was recycled, with a recycling rate of approximately 29.9%. The recyclables are classified into waste paper, waste plastic, scrap iron and others (including scrap copper, scrap aluminum, waste lighting sources, waste lead storage batteries, and waste glass containers, etc.), covered by 24.15%, 6.73%, 58.53% and 10.58%, respectively. In 2023, no breach of contract occurred, and no leakage of oil, fuel, chemical substances, or waste occurred.

THSRC not only urges the implementation of internal waste management, but also actively encourages suppliers to take actions. In our contracts with contractors, we require them to properly clean and dispose of the waste generated. Furthermore, the awareness-increasing session in meetings on interface agreements and work meetings with contractors, we supervise each contractor's implementation of waste treatment measures through on-site audits.

In 2023, THSRC invested approximately NT$67.015 million in waste water and waste treatment. The primary projects focused on enhancing the wastewater treatment plant management at Taichung Station. These projects included equipment maintenance and upgrades, equipment expansion and repairs, coagulants, precipitants, and disinfectants, water quality inspections, commissioning of sludge collection and disposal, and outsourcing of waste collection and disposal. Additionally, THSRC installed grease traps in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Tainan to effectively separate oil and water from waste oil and sewage generated by station merchants during operations, thereby reducing the environmental impact.

  Stations Maintenance Depots Stations and Maintenance Depots
Unit: metric tons Amount of Waste (metric tons) Amount of Resources Recycled (metric tons) Amount of Waste (metric tons) Amount of Resources Recycled (metric tons) Amount of Resources and Waste Recycled (metric tons) Total Amount of Waste (metric tons) Resource and Waste Recycling Rate
2021 3,891.98 495.29 442.27 117.82 1,613.10 5,947.35 27.1%
2022 4,288.59 621.99 565.92 830.23 1,452.22 6,306.73 23.0%
2023 4,675.78 1,016.51 454.57 1,175.37 2,191.88 7,322.23 29.9%

1. The waste from the headquarters office is processed by the building management unit altogether, and the waste from trains is included in that from stations or maintenance depots for processing altogether, so the relevant data has been included in this table.
2. “Hazardous industrial waste” is nickel-cadmium batteries.