Monthly Revenue
- Current Monthly Revenues:
4,660,942 (thousand NT$) -
Change from Previous Month
-2.87% -
Year-Over-Year Change
Unit: thousand NT$
Month / Year | Monthly Revenues | Prior Period | YoY(Change) | YoY(%) |
2025-01 | 4,660,942 | 4,296,910 | +364,032 | +8.47% |
2024-12 | 4,798,549 | 4,528,471 | +270,078 | +5.96% |
2024-11 | 4,516,576 | 4,240,843 | +275,733 | +6.50% |
2024-10 | 4,120,049 | 4,396,204 | -276,155 | -6.28% |
2024-09 | 4,456,901 | 3,916,585 | +540,316 | +13.80% |
2024-08 | 4,549,657 | 4,202,652 | +347,005 | +8.26% |
2024-07 | 4,241,087 | 4,069,922 | +171,165 | +4.21% |
2024-06 | 4,402,938 | 4,019,151 | +383,787 | +9.55% |
2024-05 | 4,311,959 | 3,995,200 | +316,759 | +7.93% |
2024-04 | 4,409,676 | 4,294,450 | +115,226 | +2.68% |
2024-03 | 4,584,589 | 4,074,508 | +510,081 | +12.52% |
2024-02 | 4,496,773 | 3,729,498 | +767,275 | +20.57% |
2024-01 | 4,296,910 | 4,344,539 | -47,629 | -1.10% |
2023-12 | 4,528,471 | 4,246,169 | +282,302 | +6.65% |
2023-11 | 4,240,843 | 3,753,298 | +487,545 | +12.99% |
2023-10 | 4,396,204 | 3,697,609 | +698,595 | +18.89% |
2023-09 | 3,916,585 | 3,423,080 | +493,505 | +14.42% |
2023-08 | 4,202,652 | 3,366,023 | +836,629 | +24.86% |
2023-07 | 4,069,922 | 2,991,101 | +1,078,821 | +36.07% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-06 | 4,019,151 | 2,126,536 | +1,892,615 | +89.00% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-05 | 3,995,200 | 1,790,496 | +2,204,704 | +123.13% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-04 | 4,294,450 | 2,748,579 | +1,545,871 | +56.24% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-03 | 4,074,508 | 3,222,095 | +852,413 | +26.46% |
2023-02 | 3,729,498 | 2,817,257 | +912,241 | +32.38% |
2023-01 | 4,344,539 | 2,950,990 | +1,393,549 | +47.22% |
2022-12 | 4,246,169 | 3,749,713 | +496,456 | +13.24% |
2022-11 | 3,753,298 | 3,068,202 | +685,096 | +22.33% |
2022-10 | 3,697,609 | 2,832,491 | +865,118 | +30.54% |
2022-09 | 3,423,080 | 2,146,949 | +1,276,131 | +59.44% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-08 | 3,366,023 | 1,621,143 | +1,744,880 | +107.63% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-07 | 2,991,101 | 840,306 | +2,150,795 | +255.95% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-06 | 2,126,536 | 401,290 | +1,725,246 | +429.92% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-05 | 1,790,496 | 1,901,903 | -111,407 | -5.86% |
2022-04 | 2,748,579 | 3,798,528 | -1,049,949 | -27.64% |
2022-03 | 3,222,095 | 3,471,325 | -249,230 | -7.18% |
2022-02 | 2,817,257 | 3,247,104 | -429,847 | -13.24% |
2022-01 | 2,950,990 | 3,148,933 | -197,943 | -6.29% |
2021-12 | 3,749,713 | 3,933,903 | -184,190 | -4.68% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in December 2021. | ||||
2021-11 | 3,068,202 | 3,677,230 | -609,028 | -16.56% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in November 2021. | ||||
2021-10 | 2,832,491 | 3,897,049 | -1,064,558 | -27.32% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in October 2021. | ||||
2021-09 | 2,146,949 | 3,364,751 | -1,217,802 | -36.19% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in September 2021. | ||||
2021-08 | 1,621,143 | 3,694,189 | -2,073,046 | -56.12% |
Note: Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in August 2021. | ||||
2021-07 | 840,306 | 3,364,502 | -2,524,196 | -75.02% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in July 2021. | ||||
2021-06 | 401,290 | 3,102,809 | -2,701,519 | -87.07% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in June 2021. | ||||
2021-05 | 1,901,903 | 2,468,406 | -566,503 | -22.95% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in May 2021. | ||||
2021-04 | 3,798,528 | 2,034,083 | +1,764,445 | +86.74% |
Note: The Corporation reduced the number of train runs for the previous year due to the COVID pandemic, causing a decrease in revenues. | ||||
2021-03 | 3,471,325 | 2,377,640 | +1,093,685 | +46.00% |
2021-02 | 3,247,104 | 2,733,939 | +513,165 | +18.77% |
2021-01 | 3,148,933 | 4,488,704 | -1,339,771 | -29.85% |
2020-12 | 3,933,903 | 4,203,195 | -269,292 | -6.41% |
2020-11 | 3,677,230 | 3,952,094 | -274,864 | -6.95% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in November 2020. | ||||
2020-10 | 3,897,049 | 4,044,502 | -147,453 | -3.65% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in October 2020. | ||||
2020-09 | 3,364,751 | 3,876,683 | -511,932 | -13.21% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in September 2020. | ||||
2020-08 | 3,694,189 | 3,879,227 | -185,038 | -4.77% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in August 2020. | ||||
2020-07 | 3,364,502 | 3,922,972 | -558,470 | -14.24% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in July 2020. | ||||
2020-06 | 3,102,809 | 3,969,896 | -867,087 | -21.84% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in June 2020. | ||||
2020-05 | 2,468,406 | 3,841,864 | -1,373,458 | -35.75% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in May 2020. | ||||
2020-04 | 2,034,083 | 4,054,767 | -2,020,684 | -49.83% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in April 2020. | ||||
2020-03 | 2,377,640 | 3,981,561 | -1,603,921 | -40.28% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in March 2020. | ||||
2020-02 | 2,733,939 | 4,012,567 | -1,278,628 | -31.87% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in February 2020. | ||||
2020-01 | 4,488,704 | 3,768,062 | +720,642 | +19.13% |
2019-12 | 4,203,195 | 4,098,224 | +104,971 | +2.56% |
2019-11 | 3,952,094 | 3,923,322 | +28,772 | +0.73% |
2019-10 | 4,044,502 | 3,722,142 | +322,360 | +8.66% |
2019-09 | 3,876,683 | 3,751,809 | +124,874 | +3.33% |
2019-08 | 3,879,227 | 3,809,773 | +69,454 | +1.82% |
2019-07 | 3,922,972 | 3,743,140 | +179,832 | +4.80% |
2019-06 | 3,969,896 | 3,701,825 | +268,071 | +7.24% |
2019-05 | 3,841,864 | 3,681,882 | +159,982 | +4.35% |
2019-04 | 4,054,767 | 3,943,891 | +110,876 | +2.81% |
2019-03 | 3,981,561 | 3,721,958 | +259,603 | +6.97% |
2019-02 | 4,012,567 | 3,826,420 | +186,147 | +4.86% |
2019-01 | 3,768,062 | 3,490,621 | +277,441 | +7.95% |
2018-12 | 4,098,224 | 3,938,491 | +159,733 | +4.06% |
2018-11 | 3,923,322 | 3,572,094 | +351,228 | +9.83% |
2018-10 | 3,722,142 | 3,898,314 | -176,172 | -4.52% |
2018-09 | 3,751,809 | 3,323,538 | +428,271 | +12.89% |
2018-08 | 3,809,773 | 3,740,170 | +69,603 | +1.86% |
2018-07 | 3,743,140 | 3,550,116 | +193,024 | +5.44% |
2018-06 | 3,701,825 | 3,266,544 | +435,281 | +13.33% |
2018-05 | 3,681,882 | 3,709,198 | -27,316 | -0.74% |
2018-04 | 3,943,891 | 3,631,455 | +312,436 | +8.60% |
2018-03 | 3,721,958 | 3,554,361 | +167,597 | +4.72% |
2018-02 | 3,826,420 | 3,373,203 | +453,217 | +13.44% |
2018-01 | 3,490,621 | 3,877,568 | -386,947 | -9.98% |
2017-12 | 3,938,491 | 3,652,315 | +286,176 | +7.84% |
2017-11 | 3,572,094 | 3,356,414 | +215,680 | +6.43% |
2017-10 | 3,898,314 | 3,539,989 | +358,325 | +10.12% |
2017-09 | 3,323,538 | 3,200,117 | +123,421 | +3.86% |
2017-08 | 3,740,170 | 3,411,317 | +328,853 | +9.64% |
2017-07 | 3,550,116 | 3,404,769 | +145,347 | +4.27% |
2017-06 | 3,266,544 | 3,336,420 | -69,876 | -2.09% |
2017-05 | 3,709,198 | 3,329,769 | +379,429 | +11.40% |
2017-04 | 3,631,445 | 3,396,678 | +234,767 | +6.91% |
2017-03 | 3,554,361 | 3,183,153 | +371,208 | +11.66% |
2017-02 | 3,373,203 | 3,461,579 | -88,376 | -2.55% |
2017-01 | 3,877,568 | 3,338,386 | +539,182 | +16.15% |
2016-12 | 3,652,315 | 3,361,309 | +291,006 | +8.66% |
2016-11 | 3,356,414 | 3,285,040 | +71,374 | +2.17% |
2016-10 | 3,539,989 | 15,413,833 | -11,873,844 | -77.03% |
2016-09 | 3,200,117 | 3,234,297 | -34,180 | -1.06% |
2016-08 | 3,411,317 | 3,321,483 | +89,834 | +2.70% |
2016-07 | 3,404,769 | 3,346,962 | +57,807 | +1.73% |
2016-06 | 3,336,420 | 3,276,083 | +60,337 | +1.84% |
2016-05 | 3,329,769 | 3,367,012 | -37,243 | -1.11% |
2016-04 | 3,396,678 | 3,366,831 | +29,847 | +0.89% |
2016-03 | 3,183,153 | 3,296,472 | -113,319 | -3.44% |
2016-02 | 3,461,579 | 3,475,895 | -14,316 | -0.41% |
2016-01 | 3,338,386 | 3,156,175 | +182,211 | +5.77% |
2015-12 | 3,361,309 | 3,243,142 | +118,167 | +3.64% |
2015-11 | 3,285,040 | 3,185,575 | +99,465 | +3.12% |
2015-10 | 15,413,833 | 3,303,973 | +12,109,860 | +366.52% |
2015-09 | 3,234,297 | 3,140,301 | +93,996 | +2.99% |
2015-08 | 3,321,483 | 3,272,218 | +49,265 | +1.51% |
2015-07 | 3,346,962 | 3,247,045 | +99,917 | +3.08% |
2015-06 | 3,276,083 | 3,148,816 | +127,267 | +4.04% |
2015-05 | 3,367,012 | 3,239,896 | +127,116 | +3.92% |
2015-04 | 3,366,831 | 3,215,376 | +151,455 | +4.71% |
2015-03 | 3,296,472 | 3,204,579 | +91,893 | +2.87% |
2015-02 | 3,475,895 | 3,195,004 | +280,891 | +8.79% |
2015-01 | 3,156,175 | 3,112,859 | +43,316 | +1.39% |
- Current Monthly Revenues:
4,660,942 (thousand NT$) -
Change from Previous Month
-91.24% -
Year-Over-Year Change
Unit: thousand NT$
Month / Year | Monthly Revenues | Prior Period | YoY(Change) | YoY(%) |
2025-01 | 4,660,942 | 4,296,910 | +364,032 | +8.47% |
2024-12 | 53,185,664 | 49,812,023 | +3,373,641 | +6.77% |
2024-11 | 48,387,115 | 45,283,552 | +3,103,563 | +6.85% |
2024-10 | 43,870,539 | 41,042,709 | +2,827,830 | +6.89% |
2024-09 | 39,750,490 | 36,646,505 | +3,103,985 | +8.47% |
2024-08 | 35,293,589 | 32,729,920 | +2,563,669 | +7.83% |
2024-07 | 30,743,932 | 28,527,268 | +2,216,664 | +7.77% |
2024-06 | 26,502,845 | 24,457,346 | +2,045,499 | +8.36% |
2024-05 | 22,099,907 | 20,438,195 | +1,661,712 | +8.13% |
2024-04 | 17,787,948 | 16,442,995 | +1,344,953 | +8.18% |
2024-03 | 13,378,272 | 12,148,545 | +1,229,727 | +10.12% |
2024-02 | 8,793,683 | 8,074,037 | +719,646 | +8.91% |
2024-01 | 4,296,910 | 4,344,539 | -47,629 | -1.10% |
2023-12 | 49,812,023 | 37,133,233 | +12,678,790 | +34.14% |
2023-11 | 45,283,552 | 32,887,064 | +12,396,488 | +37.69% |
2023-10 | 41,042,709 | 29,133,766 | +11,908,943 | +40.88% |
2023-09 | 36,646,505 | 25,436,157 | +11,210,348 | +44.07% |
2023-08 | 32,729,920 | 22,013,077 | +10,716,843 | +48.68% |
2023-07 | 28,527,268 | 18,647,054 | +9,880,214 | +52.99% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-06 | 24,457,346 | 15,655,953 | +8,801,393 | +56.22% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-05 | 20,438,195 | 13,529,417 | +6,908,778 | +51.06% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-04 | 16,442,995 | 11,738,921 | +4,704,074 | +40.07% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2023-03 | 12,148,545 | 8,990,342 | +3,158,203 | +35.13% |
2023-02 | 8,074,037 | 5,768,247 | +2,305,790 | +39.97% |
2023-01 | 4,344,539 | 2,950,990 | +1,393,549 | +47.22% |
2022-12 | 37,133,233 | 30,227,887 | +6,905,346 | +22.84% |
2022-11 | 32,887,064 | 26,478,174 | +6,408,890 | +24.20% |
2022-10 | 29,133,766 | 23,409,972 | +5,723,794 | +24.45% |
2022-09 | 25,436,157 | 20,577,481 | +4,858,676 | +23.61% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-08 | 22,013,077 | 18,430,532 | +3,528,545 | +19.44% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-07 | 18,647,054 | 16,809,389 | +1,837,665 | +10.93% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-06 | 15,655,953 | 15,969,083 | -313,130 | -1.96% |
Note: This was due to recovery in ridership as the epidemic eased. | ||||
2022-05 | 13,529,417 | 15,567,793 | -2,038,376 | -13.09% |
2022-04 | 11,738,921 | 13,665,890 | -1,926,969 | -14.10% |
2022-03 | 8,990,342 | 9,867,362 | -877,020 | -8.89% |
2022-02 | 5,768,247 | 6,396,037 | -627,790 | -9.82% |
2022-01 | 2,950,990 | 3,148,933 | -197,943 | -6.29% |
2021-12 | 30,227,887 | 39,137,205 | -8,909,318 | -22.76% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in December 2021. | ||||
2021-11 | 26,478,174 | 35,203,302 | -8,725,128 | -24.78% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in November 2021. | ||||
2021-10 | 23,409,972 | 31,526,072 | -8,116,100 | -25.74% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in October 2021. | ||||
2021-09 | 20,577,481 | 27,629,023 | -7,051,542 | -25.52% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in September 2021. | ||||
2021-08 | 18,430,532 | 24,264,272 | -5,833,740 | -24.04% |
Note: Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in August 2021. | ||||
2021-07 | 16,809,389 | 20,570,083 | -3,760,694 | -18.28% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in July 2021. | ||||
2021-06 | 15,969,083 | 17,205,581 | -1,236,498 | -7.19% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in June 2021. | ||||
2021-05 | 15,567,793 | 14,102,772 | +1,465,021 | +10.39% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in May 2021. | ||||
2021-04 | 13,665,890 | 11,634,366 | +2,031,524 | +17.46% |
Note: The Corporation reduced the number of train runs for the previous year due to the COVID pandemic, causing a decrease in revenues. | ||||
2021-03 | 9,867,362 | 9,600,283 | +267,079 | +2.78% |
2021-02 | 6,396,037 | 7,222,643 | -826,606 | -11.44% |
2021-01 | 3,148,933 | 4,488,704 | -1,339,771 | -29.85% |
2020-12 | 39,137,205 | 47,507,390 | -8,370,185 | -17.62% |
2020-11 | 35,203,302 | 43,304,195 | -8,100,893 | -18.71% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in November 2020. | ||||
2020-10 | 31,526,072 | 39,352,101 | -7,826,029 | -19.89% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in October 2020. | ||||
2020-09 | 27,629,023 | 35,307,599 | -7,678,576 | -21.75% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in September 2020. | ||||
2020-08 | 24,264,272 | 31,430,916 | -7,166,644 | -22.80% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in August 2020. | ||||
2020-07 | 20,570,083 | 27,551,689 | -6,981,606 | -25.34% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in July 2020. | ||||
2020-06 | 17,205,581 | 23,628,717 | -6,423,136 | -27.18% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in June 2020. | ||||
2020-05 | 14,102,772 | 19,658,821 | -5,556,049 | -28.26% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in May 2020. | ||||
2020-04 | 11,634,366 | 15,816,957 | -4,182,591 | -26.44% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in April 2020. | ||||
2020-03 | 9,600,283 | 11,762,190 | -2,161,907 | -18.38% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in March 2020. | ||||
2020-02 | 7,222,643 | 7,780,629 | -557,986 | -7.17% |
Note: COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in February 2020. | ||||
2020-01 | 4,488,704 | 3,768,062 | +720,642 | +19.13% |
2019-12 | 47,507,390 | 45,415,007 | +2,092,383 | +4.61% |
2019-11 | 43,304,195 | 41,316,783 | +1,987,412 | +4.81% |
2019-10 | 39,352,101 | 37,393,461 | +1,958,640 | +5.24% |
2019-09 | 35,307,599 | 33,671,319 | +1,636,280 | +4.86% |
2019-08 | 31,430,916 | 29,919,510 | +1,511,406 | +5.05% |
2019-07 | 27,551,689 | 26,109,737 | +1,441,952 | +5.52% |
2019-06 | 23,628,717 | 22,366,597 | +1,262,120 | +5.64% |
2019-05 | 19,658,821 | 18,664,772 | +994,049 | +5.33% |
2019-04 | 15,816,957 | 14,982,890 | +834,067 | +5.27% |
2019-03 | 11,762,190 | 11,038,999 | +723,191 | +6.55% |
2019-02 | 7,780,629 | 7,317,041 | +463,588 | +6.34% |
2019-01 | 3,768,062 | 3,490,621 | +277,441 | +7.95% |
2018-12 | 45,415,007 | 43,435,042 | +1,979,965 | +4.56% |
2018-11 | 41,316,783 | 39,496,551 | +1,820,232 | +4.61% |
2018-10 | 37,393,461 | 35,924,457 | +1,469,004 | +4.09% |
2018-09 | 33,671,319 | 32,026,143 | +1,645,176 | +5.14% |
2018-08 | 29,919,510 | 28,702,605 | +1,216,905 | +4.24% |
2018-07 | 26,109,737 | 24,962,435 | +1,147,302 | +4.60% |
2018-06 | 22,366,597 | 21,412,319 | +954,278 | +4.46% |
2018-05 | 18,664,772 | 18,145,775 | +518,997 | +2.86% |
2018-04 | 14,982,890 | 14,436,577 | +546,313 | +3.78% |
2018-03 | 11,038,999 | 10,805,132 | +233,867 | +2.16% |
2018-02 | 7,317,041 | 7,250,771 | +66,270 | +0.91% |
2018-01 | 3,490,621 | 3,877,568 | -386,947 | -9.98% |
2017-12 | 43,435,042 | 40,610,906 | +2,824,136 | +6.95% |
2017-11 | 39,496,551 | 36,958,591 | +2,537,960 | +6.87% |
2017-10 | 35,924,457 | 33,602,177 | +2,322,280 | +6.91% |
2017-09 | 32,026,143 | 30,062,188 | +1,963,955 | +6.53% |
2017-08 | 28,702,605 | 26,862,071 | +1,840,534 | +6.85% |
2017-07 | 24,962,435 | 23,450,754 | +1,511,681 | +6.45% |
2017-06 | 21,412,319 | 20,045,985 | +1,366,334 | +6.82% |
2017-05 | 18,145,775 | 16,709,565 | +1,436,210 | +8.60% |
2017-04 | 14,436,577 | 13,379,796 | +1,056,781 | +7.90% |
2017-03 | 10,805,132 | 9,983,118 | +822,014 | +8.23% |
2017-02 | 7,250,771 | 6,799,965 | +450,806 | +6.63% |
2017-01 | 3,877,568 | 3,338,386 | +539,182 | +16.15% |
2016-12 | 40,610,906 | 51,901,392 | -11,290,486 | -21.75% |
2016-11 | 36,958,591 | 48,540,083 | -11,581,492 | -23.86% |
2016-10 | 33,602,177 | 45,255,043 | -11,652,866 | -25.75% |
2016-09 | 30,062,188 | 29,841,210 | +220,978 | +0.74% |
2016-08 | 26,862,071 | 26,606,913 | +255,158 | +0.96% |
2016-07 | 23,450,754 | 23,285,430 | +165,324 | +0.71% |
2016-06 | 20,045,985 | 19,938,468 | +107,517 | +0.54% |
2016-05 | 16,709,565 | 16,662,385 | +47,180 | +0.28% |
2016-04 | 13,379,796 | 13,295,373 | +84,423 | +0.63% |
2016-03 | 9,983,118 | 9,928,542 | +54,576 | +0.55% |
2016-02 | 6,799,965 | 6,632,070 | +167,895 | +2.53% |
2016-01 | 3,338,386 | 3,156,175 | +182,211 | +5.77% |
2015-12 | 51,901,392 | 38,508,784 | +13,392,608 | +34.78% |
2015-11 | 48,540,083 | 35,265,642 | +13,274,441 | +37.64% |
2015-10 | 45,255,043 | 32,080,067 | +13,174,976 | +41.07% |
2015-09 | 29,841,210 | 28,776,094 | +1,065,116 | +3.70% |
2015-08 | 26,606,913 | 25,635,793 | +971,120 | +3.79% |
2015-07 | 23,285,430 | 22,363,575 | +921,855 | +4.12% |
2015-06 | 19,938,468 | 19,116,530 | +821,938 | +4.30% |
2015-05 | 16,662,385 | 15,967,714 | +694,671 | +4.35% |
2015-04 | 13,295,373 | 12,727,818 | +567,555 | +4.46% |
2015-03 | 9,928,542 | 9,512,442 | +416,100 | +4.37% |
2015-02 | 6,632,070 | 6,307,863 | +324,207 | +5.14% |
2015-01 | 3,156,175 | 3,112,859 | +43,316 | +1.39% |