Customer Affirmation

Customers' affirmation and feedback are important indicators for THSRC to review its own quality management performance. Every year, the THSRC has entrusted a third-party to investigate customer satisfaction. Although the first half of 2022 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company continued to cooperate with the implementation of government epidemic prevention policies such as: restricting the carrying rate, prohibiting diet, wearing masks throughout the whole process, real alliance system and other measures and short-term work shifts, resulting in the restriction or suspension of related services; however, after the lockdown was lifted in the second half of the year, the Company successively launched a revitalization promotion plan to rapidly increase travel volume, reaching nearly 90% of the pre-pandemic traffic. In 2022, the overall service satisfaction is 94%, and the customers have paid 93% to 98% importance of the four major service orientations on (train schedule planning/ticket services/station facilities and services/on board facilities and services) while 93% to 96% of customers have given the high-satisfaction ratings.