Environmental Management Policy and Targets

Key Environmental Data in 2023

  • The annual solar power generation of the four depots and six stations reached 9,673.471 MWh.
  • Total amount of greenhouse gas emissions were 317,679.09 CO2e metric tons.
  • Total energy consumption was 2,318,657.87 GJ
  • Based on the calculation of passenger-kilometer in 2023, THSRC significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions and is equivalent to the carbon uptake of 2,681 Da-An Forest Parks.
  • The water consumption per passenger from THSR station services was reduced by 19.014% as compared with the benchmark value of water conservation in 2023.

Environmental Sustainability Policy and Management

In order to implement environmental protection measures, the Company has set up an Environmental Management Committee with THSRC's Chairman as the convener and composed of the executives of each department or division, to supervise the development and implementation of internal environmental policies and targets. In 2023, the Environmental Management Committee conducted 30 audits on environmental quality management to assess the actual performance of each depot and HSR station in promoting environmental sustainability. Additionally, the Environmental Management Committee held an "environmental management working conference" every quarter to monitor the progress and performance of each department in promoting environmental projects, ensuring the smooth operation of our environmental management systems. We also promote measures to mitigate environmental impact in compliance with environmental regulations. In 2020, THSRC became the first company in the rail service industry in Taiwan to pass the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification, demonstrating our commitment to environmental protection. In 2023, we passed the ISO 14001 environmental management system re-examination to ensure the effectiveness of our environmental sustainability management implementation, the validity period is from September 24, 2023 to September 24, 2026.

In response to the global and domestic Net Zero and carbon reduction trend, we have completed the company-wide greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) inventory, which covering 12 stations, 5 maintenance depots, the headquarters office, Taoyuan Operation Management Center and the main line (trains and roadside equipment) and obtained the ISO14064-1:2018 external verification certificate in September 2023. THSRC is committed to environment protection, raising employees and supplier's environmental awareness, introducing an environmental management system, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste, and increasing environmental protection expenditure year by year, with a total investment of NT$103.618 million in 2023, 10.52% increment compared to 2022. We will continue to promote environmental sustainability, including continuous promotion of greenhouse gas inventory and reduction, water conservation and waste recycling and reduction management measures in the future.


Environmental Protection Expenditure in 2023

Environmental Sustainability Targets and Strategies

  • Established operation safety and environmental risks relevant units (e.g., Environmental Management Committee) to strengthen the management and supervision mechanism and effectively implement implementation measures
  • Established Greenhouse Gas Inventory Audit List, conduct total inventory and verification, and study and formulate reduction measures and priorities
  • Launched the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure, TCFD project, identified climate risks, and inventory of the resilience of high-speed rail in response to climate risks
  • Continue to promote the equipment optimization, personnel education and training, to improve energy conservation and carbon reduction

2023 Goals and Results
  • In 2023, we expanded our greenhouse gas inventory from 12 stations to the whole company, and obtained ISO 14064-1 certificates
  • The overall carbon emissions in 2023 were 317,679.09 tons, an increase of 34.94% over last year (2022), but the carbon emissions per person-kilometer were 25.284 grams of CO2e and 25.51% less than 33.941 grams last year (2022).
  • Through Equipment elimination and optimization and Energy Saving Driving Programme, Electricity consumption in 2023 was reduced by 2.77% compared to the base year (2010).

Targets (next three years)
  • Develop carbon reduction target and policy by referring to the United Nations IPCC climate change mitigation plan
  • Continue to conduct company-wide greenhouse gas inventory and external verification every year
  • Continue to promote Energy-saving Train Operation plan.
  • "Carbon emissions per person-kilometer" aims to reduce by more than 1.5% per year
  • Establish Resources usage and management policies (including electricity, water and waste disposal), regularly review targets and enhance green action measures (e.g. renewable energy, resources recycling)
  • Established resource usage and management relevant team (e.g. Energy Conservation Project Team) to improve the management mechanism and implementation measures effectiveness
  • Organize environmental training program to strengthen employees and environmental management representatives of each unit familiarity with environmental laws and regulations and environmental protection awareness, and deepen environmental sustainability development concept
  • Improve environmental management and pass external verification by monitoring, performance evaluation and audit.

2023 Goals and Results
  • Pass the ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system re-examination in 2023 (valid until September 2026).
  • The electricity consumption (kWh) of stations (maintenance depots and stations) decreased by 0.03% in 2023 compared with 2022; The average electricity consumption per passenger was 1.250 kWh, saving 25.92% compared to 1.69 kWh last year (2022).
  • The water consumption of stations (maintenance depots and stations) increased by 9.28% in 2023 compared with 2022; The average water consumption per passenger was 0.0097 kWh, compared with 0.0120 kWh last year (2022), saving 19.01% of water.
  • The recycling rate of natural waste is 29.9%, and there are no oil, fuel, chemical substances, or waste leakage.

Targets (next three years)
  • Continue to implement the environmental management system, and apply for environmental quality management certifications (such as ISO 14001, 50001, etc.).
  • Continue to implement energy-conservation measures (such as equipment replacement, Water conservation and drought control measures) and energy management system monitoring to track resource consumption status.
  • The average electricity consumption per passenger at the station was collaborated with reduced by 0.86%
  • The average water consumption per passenger at the station was reduced by 3.42%.
  • Continue to organize environmental awareness training, improve recycling and promote waste reduction as to achieve the recycling rate to 40%.
  • Established Environmental protection specification and operation standard (including the natural environment and communities), noise and vibration management, strengthen environmental management mechanisms and implementation measures effectiveness.
  • Organize internal and external environmental quality management audits regularly, and continue to improve the management mechanism and implementation measures effectiveness

2023 Goals and Results
  • In 2023, 30 internal audits were conducted, and follow-up improvement were reported to the Environmental Management Committee regularly; externally, the audit was conducted by the environmental protection unit. In 2023, there was no penalty imposed due to the pollution of the environment.
  • 16 complaints related to noise and vibration management has been received, and communication channels will be provided for further communication purpose with the communities.
  • 1 case of noise standard violation cases notified by the local Environmental Protection Bureau for improvement, and no penalty was occurred.
  • Maintain the annual 1.143 million sponsorship for the Pheasant-Tailed Jacana Ecological Education Park, with a cumulative amount of more than 69.89 million.

Targets (next three years)
  • Maintaining low ecological, and social impact through conducting environmental quality management, sound and vibration management and other related mechanism.
  • Continue to sponsor the Pheasant-Tailed Jacana Ecological Education Park