Environmental Management Policy and Targets

Key Environmental Data in 2022

  • The annual solar power generation of the four depots and six stations reached 10,543.24 MWh.
  • Total amount of greenhouse gas emissions were 316,942.85 CO2e metric tons.
  • Total energy consumption was 2,248,863.39 GJ.
  • Based on the calculation of passenger-kilometer in 2022, THSRC significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions and is equivalent to the carbon uptake of 1,992 Da-An Forest Parks.
  • The water consumption per passenger from THSR station services was reduced by 11.76% as compared with the benchmark value of water conservation in 2022.

Environmental Sustainability Strategy

In order to implement environmental protection measures, the Company has set up an "Environmental Management Committee" with THSRC's Chairman as the convener, and composed of the executives of each department or division, to supervise the development and implementation of internal environmental policies and targets. In 2022, the Environmental Management Committee conducted four audits on environmental quality management to assess the actual performance of each depot and HSR station in promoting environmental sustainability. Additionally, the Environmental Management Committee held an "environmental management working conference" every quarter to monitor the progress and performance of each department in promoting environmental projects, ensuring the smooth operation of our environmental management systems. We also promote measures to mitigate environmental impact in compliance with environmental regulations.

In 2020, THSRC became the first company in the rail service industry in Taiwan to pass the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification, demonstrating our commitment to environmental protection. In 2022, we passed the ISO 14001 environmental management system re-examination to ensure the effectiveness of our environmental sustainability management implementation.

Operation and Responsibilities of Environmental Management Committee


Environmental Protection Expenditure in 2022

Environmental Sustainability Targets and Strategies

THSRC sets targets for internal sustainability issues which cover five aspects: environmental management, greenhouse gas management, ecological conservation, waste management and water resources management, and has formulated short-, medium- and long-term environmental management targets and strategies. Please refer to the table below for details:


Environmental Management

  • Comply with environmental protection and environment impact assessment regulatory requirements
  • Conduct education and training for environmental protection personnel
  • Maintain the validity of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • Obtained the ISO 14064-1 Verification Opinion Statement for greenhouse gas emissions at HSR stations in 2021

Ecological Conservation

  • Assist in Pheasant-Tailed Jacana Preservation work in Guantian, Tainan

Waste Management

  • Strengthen waste reduction, implement waste sorting, and actively recycle resources and waste

Environmental Management Strategy

Environmental Management

  • Implement environmental management, environmental monitoring, and environmental protection in compliance with laws and regulations
  • Conduct environmental protection education and training for environmental management representatives and related personnel at each unit, and strengthen their familiarity with environmental protection regulations and related execution capabilities
  • Maintain the operation of the environmental management system through performance assessment, management review, external audit, and continuous improvement, so as to continue to pass ISO 14001 certification

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • Handling of “Low Carbon Product Award” for carbon footprint of high-speed railroad transportation service products
  • Conduct greenhouse gas emission inventory audit and external verification at HSR stations in 2021

Ecological Conservation

  • Continue to sponsor the Pheasant-Tailed Jacana Ecological Education Park

Waste Management

  • Create awareness of the concept of circular supply and resource recycling, promote waste reduction at the source, and strengthen waste sorting and recycling

Achievements in 2022

Environmental Management

  • There were no sanctions cases of violation of environmental protection and the Environmental Impact Assessment in 2022
  • Passed the ISO 14001 re-examination

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • All HSR stations have completed the greenhouse gas emissions inventory audit and verification in 2021 and 2022, obtained the ISO 14064-1 Verification Opinion Statement (2021 and 2022)

Ecological Conservation

  • Continued to sponsor the Pheasant-Tailed Jacana Ecological Education Park and invested more than NT$1.143 million in 2022

Waste Management

  • The amount of waste recycled reached 1,452.223 metric tons, with a recycling rate of approximately 23.0%. In 2022, no breach of contract occurred, and no leakage of oil, fuel, chemical substances, or waste occurred

Energy Management

  • Average electricity consumption per passenger served at HSR stations was 1.688 kWh, compared to 2.091 kWh last year (2021), saving 19.27%

Water Resources Management

  • Average water consumption per passenger served at HSR stations was 0.0120 cubic meters, compared to 0.0136 cubic meters last year (2021), saving 11.76%

Energy Management

  • Promote energy conservation and carbon reduction measures at stations and maintenance depots, and set the annual electricity saving rate at greater than 0.86% as our energy conservation target using the average electricity consumption per passenger served at stations [excluding public areas Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) and depots as an indicator]

Water Resources Management

  • Strengthen water conservation measures at stations and maintenance depots, and set the annual water saving rate at greater than 3.42% as our water conservation target using the average water consumption per passenger as an indicator

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • Set the annual carbon reduction rate at greater than 1.5% as our carbon reduction target using the gram of CO2e per passenger-kilometer as an indicator

Environmental Management

  • Implement the environmental management system and pass the ISO 14001 re-certification process
  • Conduct environmental education and training for employees

Waste Management

  • Strengthen waste reduction, implement waste sorting, and actively recycle resources and waste

Environmental Management Strategy

Energy Management

  • Continue to promote the four major energy conservation solutions, including “autonomous energy conservation management, reduce electricity consumption, transfer peak electricity usage, and use electricity reasonably”

Water Resources Management

  • Implement water management policies of conserving water, reducing the use of water, as well as recycling and reusing water

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • Implement energy conservation measures, continue to increase passenger volume, and reduce the amount of carbon emission per passenger-kilometer

Environmental Management

  • Continue to formulate and implement management goals, check the results, and make improvements through the environmental management system
  • Conduct environmental education and training to enhance general employees' sense of responsibility toward environmental protection and deepen the concept of sustainable development of environment

Waste Management

  • Continue to create awareness of the concept of circular supply and resource recycling, promote waste reduction at the source, and strengthen waste sorting and recycling

Energy Management

  • Implement ISO 50001 Energy Management System verification

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • Conduct company-wide greenhouse gas inventory audit and verification

Waste Management

  • Strengthen waste reduction, implement waste sorting, and actively recycle resources and waste

Environmental Management Strategy

Energy Management

  • Establish the ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems to enhance energy management

Greenhouse Gas Management

  • Establish THSRC's "Greenhouse Gas Inventory Audit List" to conduct total emission inventory audit and verification and establish emission reduction measures and priorities

Waste Management

  • Continue to create awareness of the concept of circular supply and resource recycling, promote waste reduction at the source, and strengthen waste sorting and recycling