
Monthly Sales Revenue

Unit: Thousand NT$
Monthly Sales Revenue
Monthly Revenues Prior Period YoY(Change) YoY(%) Year-to-Date Revenues Prior Period YoY(Change) YoY(%)
Oct-20 3,897,049 4,044,502 -147,453 -3.65 31,526,072 39,352,101 -7,826,029 -19.89
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in October 2020.
Sep-20 3,364,751 3,876,683 -511,932 -13.21 27,629,023 35,307,599 -7,678,576 -21.75
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in September 2020.
Aug-20 3,694,189 3,879,227 -185,038 -4.77 24,264,272 31,430,916 -7,166,644 -22.80
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in August 2020.
Jul-20 3,364,502 3,922,972 -558,470 -14.24 20,570,083 27,551,689 -6,981,606 -25.34
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in July 2020.
Jun-20 3,102,809 3,969,896 -867,087 -21.84 17,205,581 23,628,717 -6,423,136 -27.18
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in June 2020.
May-20 2,468,406 3,841,864 -1,373,458 -35.75 14,102,772 19,658,821 -5,556,049 -28.26
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in May 2020.
Apr-20 2,034,083 4,054,767 -2,020,684 -49.83 11,634,366 15,816,957 -4,182,591 -26.44
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in April 2020.
Mar-20 2,377,640 3,981,561 -1,603,921 -40.28 9,600,283 11,762,190 -2,161,907 -18.38
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in March 2020.
Feb-20 2,733,939 4,012,567 -1,278,628 -31.87 7,222,643 7,780,629 -557,986 -7.17
Note:COVID-19 outbreak reduced the revenues and ridership in February 2020.
Jan-20 4,488,704 3,768,062 720,642 19.13 4,488,704 3,768,062 720,642 19.13
Dec-19 4,203,195 4,098,224 104,971 2.56 47,507,390 45,415,007 2,092,383 4.61
Nov-19 3,952,094 3,923,322 28,772 0.73 43,304,195 41,316,783 1,987,412 4.81
Oct-19 4,044,502 3,722,142 322,360 8.66 39,352,101 37,393,461 1,958,640 5.24
Sep-19 3,876,683 3,751,809 124,874 3.33 35,307,599 33,671,319 1,636,280 4.86
Aug-19 3,879,227 3,809,773 69,454 1.82 31,430,916 29,919,510 1,511,406 5.05
Jul-19 3,922,972 3,743,140 179,832 4.80 27,551,689 26,109,737 1,441,952 5.52
Jun-19 3,969,896 3,701,825 268,071 7.24 23,628,717 22,366,597 1,262,120 5.64
May-19 3,841,864 3,681,882 159,982 4.35 19,658,821 18,664,772 994,049 5.33
Apr-19 4,054,767 3,943,891 110,876 2.81 15,816,957 14,982,890 834,067 5.27
Mar-19 3,981,561 3,721,958 259,603 6.97 11,762,190 11,038,999 723,191 6.55
Feb-19 4,012,567 3,826,420 186,147 4.86 7,780,629 7,317,041 463,588 6.34
Jan-19 3,768,062 3,490,621 277,441 7.95 3,768,062 3,490,621 277,441 7.95
Dec-18 4,098,224 3,938,491 159,733 4.06 45,415,007 43,435,042 1,979,965 4.56
Nov-18 3,923,322 3,572,094 351,228 9.83 41,316,783 39,496,551 1,820,232 4.61
Oct-18 3,722,142 3,898,314 -176,172 -4.52 37,393,461 35,924,457 1,469,004 4.09
Sep-18 3,751,809 3,323,538 428,271 12.89 33,671,319 32,026,143 1,645,176 5.14
Aug-18 3,809,773 3,740,170 69,603 1.86 29,919,510 28,702,605 1,216,905 4.24
Jul-18 3,743,140 3,550,116 193,024 5.44 26,109,737 24,962,435 1,147,302 4.60
Jun-18 3,701,825 3,266,544 435,281 13.33 22,366,597 21,412,319 954,278 4.46
May-18 3,681,882 3,709,198 -27,316 -0.74 18,664,772 18,145,775 518,997 2.86
Apr-18 3,943,891 3,631,455 312,436 8.6 14,982,890 14,436,577 546,313 3.78
Mar-18 3,721,958 3,554,361 167,597 4.72 11,038,999 10,805,132 233,867 2.16
Feb-18 3,826,420 3,373,203 453,217 13.44 7,317,041 7,250,771 66,270 0.91
Jan-18 3,490,621 3,877,568 -386,947 -9.98 3,490,621 3,877,568 -386,947 -9.98
Dec-17 3,938,491 3,652,315 286,176 7.84 43,435,042 40,610,906 2,824,136 6.95
Nov-17 3,572,094 3,356,414 215,680 6.43 39,496,551 36,958,591  2,537,960 6.87
Oct-17 3,898,314 3,539,989 358,325 10.12 35,924,457 33,602,177  2,322,280 6.91
Sep-17 3,323,538 3,200,117 123,421 3.86 32,026,143 30,062,188 1,963,955 6.53
Aug-17 3,740,170 3,411,317 328,853 9.64 28,702,605 26,862,071 1,840,534 6.85
Jul-17 3,550,116 3,404,769 145,347 4.27 24,962,435 23,450,754 1,511,681 6.45
Jun-17 3,266,544 3,336,420 -69,876 -2.09 21,412,319 20,045,985 1,366,334 6.82
May-17 3,709,198 3,329,769 379,429 11.4 18,145,775 16,709,565 1,436,210 8.6
Apr-17 3,631,445 3,396,678 234,767 6.91 14,436,577 13,379,796 1,056,781 7.9
Mar-17 3,554,361 3,183,153 371,208 11.66 10,805,132 9,983,118 822,014 8.23
Feb-17 3,373,203 3,461,579 -88,376 -2.55 7,250,771 6,799,965 450,806 6.63
Jan-17 3,877,568 3,338,386 539,182 16.15 3,877,568 3,338,386 539,182 16.15
Dec-16 3,652,315 3,361,309 291,006 8.66 40,610,906 51,901,392 -11,290,486 -21.75
Note: The accumulated operating revenues for the 12 months ended December 31, 2015 included the compensation on statutory concession tickets (the Compensation) of $12,096,971 thousand regarding to the Financial Resolution Plan. If the Compensation were excluded, and compared with prior period, the accumulated operating revenues of current period increased $806,485 thousand.
Nov-16 3,356,414 3,285,040 71,374 2.17 36,958,591 48,540,083 -11,581,492 -23.86
Note: The accumulated operating revenues for the 11 months ended November 30, 2015 included the compensation on statutory concession tickets (the Compensation) of $12,096,971 thousand resulting from Financial Resolution Project. If the Compensation were excluded, and compared with prior period, the accumulated operating revenues of current period increased $515,479 thousand.
Oct-16 3,539,989 15,413,833 -11,873,844 -77.03 33,602,177 45,255,043 -11,652,866 -25.75
Note: The accumulated operating revenues for the 10 months ended October 31, 2016 included the compensation on statutory concession tickets (the Compensation) of $12,096,971 thousand resulting from Financial Resolution Project. If the Compensation were excluded, and compared with prior period, the accumulated operating revenues of current period increased $444,105 thousand.
Sep-16 3,200,117 3,234,297 -34,180 -1.06 30,062,188 29,841,210 220,978 0.74
Aug-16 3,411,317 3,321,483 89,834 2.7 26,862,071 26,606,913 255,158 0.96
Jul-16 3,404,769 3,346,962 57,807 1.73 23,450,754 23,285,430 165,324 0.71
Jun-16 3,336,420 3,276,083 60,337 1.84 20,045,985 19,938,468 107,517 0.54
May-16 3,329,769 3,367,012 -37,243 -1.11 16,709,565 16,662,385 47,180 0.28
Apr-16 3,396,678 3,366,831 29,847 0.89 13,379,796 13,295,373 84,423 0.63
Mar-16 3,183,153 3,296,472 -113,319 -3.44 9,983,118 9,928,542 54,576 0.55
Feb-16 3,461,579 3,475,895 -14,316 -0.41 6,799,965 6,632,070 167,895 2.53
Jan-16 3,338,386 3,156,175 182,211 5.77 3,338,386 3,156,175 182,211 5.77
Dec-15 3,361,309 3,243,142 118,167 3.64 51,901,392 38,508,784 13,392,608 34.78
Nov-15 3,285,040 3,185,575 99,465 3.12 48,540,083 35,265,642 13,274,441 37.64
Oct-15 15,413,833 3,303,973 12,109,860 366.52 45,255,043 32,080,067 13,174,976 41.07
Sep-15 3,234,297 3,140,301 93,996 2.99 29,841,210 28,776,094 1,065,116 3.70
Aug-15 3,321,483 3,272,218 49,265 1.51 26,606,913 25,635,793 971,120 3.79
Jul-15 3,346,962 3,247,045 99,917 3.08 23,285,430 22,363,575 921,855 4.12
Jun-15 3,276,083 3,148,816 127,267 4.04 19,938,468 19,116,530 821,938 4.30
May-15 3,367,012 3,239,896 127,116 3.92 16,662,385 15,967,714 694,671 4.35
Apr-15 3,366,831 3,215,376 151,455 4.71 13,295,373 12,727,818 567,555 4.46
Mar-15 3,296,472 3,204,579 91,893 2.87 9,928,542 9,512,442 416,100 4.37
Feb-15 3,475,895 3,195,004 280,891 8.79 6,632,070 6,307,863 324,207 5.14
Jan-15 3,156,175 3,112,859 43,316 1.39 3,156,175 3,112,859 43,316 1.39