
Accessibility Services

Ticket Purchase Notice


  • High speed rail trains are equipped with wheelchair accessible seats for passengers with limited mobility (including wheelchair users and passengers with casts on his/her legs that cannot bend and have been confirmed to impaired mobility on-site).
  • For discount tickets for people with disabilities, please refer to the description of concession tickets.

Dimensions restrictions for medical assistive devices

  • Given the configuration of train seats, the medical assistive devices (mobility scooter/electrically powered wheelchair) used by passengers, may not exceed 125 cm in length, 90 cm in width, and 185 cm in height.

Reservation channels

  • To reserve a wheelchair accessible seat, please refer to train station ticket windows, by calling the customer service line, or use "Live Chat" channel.

Period opens for booking

  • Customer service line and "Live Chat":Tickets are available to book 29 days up to 1 hour prior to scheduled time of departure. Furthermore, if the advance booking date falls on a Friday or Saturday, it will be extended to the Sunday after. (Service Hours: 9:00 -22:00 everyday)
  • THSR station ticket window: Passengers may book reserved seats tickets within 29 days of the date of travel (INCL.) and up to the day of travel (sale of tickets for reserved seats of the train stops 3 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time). On Friday and Saturday, passengers may book tickets up to the Sunday four weeks in the future. (Please refer to the business hours of each station and ticketing deadline.)
  • If the booking period is changed due to special circumstances, THSR will make an announcement separately.

Payment/Ticket Collection

Payment and ticket collection information for wheelchair accessible seats could be booked via the THSR Live Chat service or customer service line:

  • Payment only
    1. Online booking system
  • Payment and Ticket Collection
    1. T Express App
    2. 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, OK Mart
    3. THSR station ticket window
    4. Ticket vending machine
  • Senior/Disabled tickets are available to R.O.C (Taiwan) citizens only.
    1. Those whose reservation records include seniority tickets/disabled tickets may pay/collect the tickets at station ticket window or our partnering convenience stores. When collecting tickets, please have the passenger identification documents (e.g., ID card, disability certification) for verification.
    2. Passengers who purchase/collect seniority tickets/disabled tickets through station ticket windows may pick up their tickets from the ticket vending machines and T Express from the day following the purchase/collection until the end of the following year (if the validity period of the disability certification ends before the end of the following year, the expiration date of the ticket shall be based on the expiration date of the certificate). There is no need to verify the identity of those who pay for/collect their tickets from convenience stores within the aforementioned time limit.
    3. Passengers who are eligible for seniority tickets/disabled tickets but no ticket purchase needed may present their original documents at the station ticket window for verification (if it is inconvenient for them to visit the ticket window in person, they may ask a relative or friend to present the eligible document at the station ticket window). This will extend the validity period for collecting seniority tickets/disabled tickets via the T-Express App and vending machines.
    4. Passengers who have purchased seniority tickets/disabled tickets are required to present their original valid documents for inspection when traveling. If the documents do not match passengers' identity or passengers do not have their documents with them, they will be charged the difference in the fare and will be subject to liquidated damages of 50% of the fare difference.

Note: Please refer to the instructions if you want to collect tickets via the T-Express App, at our partnering convenience stores, or at the station ticket windows/vending machines.

Change of Booking

Passengers who need to change their seats should complete modification at least 30 minutes before the train departs. No processing fees will be charged for the first time modification. If you have not collected the ticket yet, please use the "Live Chat" service, call the customer service line or go to train station ticket windows for assistance. If you already have an issued ticket, please bring the ticket and apply for the change at the station ticket window.

Station Accessibility Services

THSR stations offer special travel guide services for disabled passengers and passengers with reduced mobility. Welcome people use this service and reserve in advance.
Passengers can make a reservation in front of the Passenger Service Counter or make a reservation call through THSR Customer Service Line.


  • If a wheelchair passenger who is traveling along makes a reservation of THSR guide service, the Company will make the reservation of Accessible Car for him/her in order to take care of the passenger nearby.
  • Please meet the station staff member in front of the Passenger Service Counter or the entrance of the station 20 minutes before the departure of the reserved train.

Accessible Car

The 7th car

The 7th car is equipped with four conveniently accessible seats. Seats 13A and 14A are available for parking electric wheelchairs, while seats 13E and 14E are available for parking folding ones.

Design of Seat

Seats can be rotated 90 degrees to facilitate companions to take care of disabled travelers, and seat belts are provided. Among the seats, passengers sitting in 13A and 14A can choose to remain in their wheelchairs or transfer to the train seats. There is an emergency button under the window next to the seat for passengers to call the train crew if necessary.


At the entrance of the 7th car, there is an accessible toilet along with an emergency button. Please do not touch the button, it is for emergency only.


Accessible Shuttle


Rehabus services are provided by the county and city governments.

Duofu Care & Services