Railway Safety
Automatic Train Control
ATC (Automatic Train Control):
In order to achieve the conditions that only one train is running within a certain interval, THSR trains must have a stable and reliable system to show the relevant security conditions for drivers to follow. ATC transfer alerts to trains and the control center for avoiding collisions and for controlling the train speed not to over the limitation of the train speed to ensure the train safety.
According to the position of the previous train, the mandate of the control center, routes, and other conditions, ATC allows continuous calculation of the train speed, and the drivers may send the passengers smoothly and efficiently to the destination with the speed.

When the current speed is over the allowable train speed, ATC will automatically brake or slow down to avoid over speed or too close to the previous train. In case of emergency such as large earthquakes, rockfall, landslide, and entry of foreign substances, ATC automatically breaks to ensure train safety.
Vigilance Device:
The vigilance device is a railroad safety device that operates in the case of incapacitation of the engineer. The timer is set to alert in 60 seconds. If the timer period is allowed to expire without operating instruments (including whistle, button of cruise control, brake control handle, traction control handle, CarPC screen), a visual and audible warning is given by the alert and similar warning device. If operators still have no response, the system will transfer alerts to control center and conductors.
Disaster Warning System
THSR Disaster Warning System (DWS) regards THSR Control Center as the management center, detecting earthquakes, strong winds, heavy rain, landslide, rockfall, floods, and so on with detection devices along the THSR lines, and transfer immediate alerts to trains and control center with ATC to ensure the train safety.

Landslide Detector

Earthquake Detector

Disaster Warning System (DWS) includes earthquake detector, weather detector, and intrusion detector:
Earthquake Detector
When 40 gals(about a 4-magnitude quake) are measured by earthquake detectors set in the communication rooms along THSR lines, the system will automatically send an emergency signal to the control center and trains running in the area.
Depending on the ground acceleration, the warning system set different levels of seismic alert. Strain center and the control center will assign maintenance units to depend on the actual demand to check the equipment and structures in the affected area. After the safety is confirmed, trains will drive again with limited speed, and then gradually increase the rate to normal operating speed.
Weather Detector
The device takes responsible of detecting the wind speed, rainfall and water level.The detection results conclude winds, rains, floods and other alert messages will be informed to the control center. The analysis result of these data will be regard as important references for adjustments of speed.
Intrusion Detector
Including slippery slope detection, rockfall detection, and intrusion of foreign matter detection. When landslide, falling rocks, invasions happened in the THSR railways area, the detective system will automatically transfer alerts to trains running in the area for emergency.
"Safety first" is the highest principle of THSR. "Service first" is also one of our priority guidelines. "Fail-Safe" is the fundamental concept when the system is designed. No matter what happened, passengers and the operating safety are always taken as the priority consideration.
Disposition when livestock runs into THSR lines
Farms and houses along THSR lines should avoid livestock (cows, sheep, dogs, etc.) to run into THSR railway areas, so as not to affect the normal operation of THSR.
If livestock is found in the THSR lines, please immediately inform the control center of the THSR 03-262-2905.
Disaster Prevention Advocacy of Advertising Buildings and Tallgrass Plants in the THSR adjacent Area
Tallgrass plants, trees, and bamboos along the THSR should be cut properly. Iron sheets, facilities like water towers should be fastened firmly so as not to affect the driving safety of THSR by the damages caused by typhoons or rains. If casualties due to the failure of maintenance, the owner is against the law.

Case 1
Advertising canvas, 3-meter far and 2-meter taller than THSR, are easy to be collapsed by strong winds, so as to affect the operations of THSR.

Case 2
Advertising canvas, 13-meter far and 10-meter taller than THSR, are easy to be collapsed by strong winds, so as to affect the operations of THSR.

Case 3
Tallgrass plants over 12 meters are easy to be laid down by strong winds so as to affect THSR.
Instruction of Construction Along THSR Lines
Railway protection areas have been delineated and shown on relevant plans to safeguard the safety and stability of the THSR structures, Proposals for ground investigation works, or underground drainage works in or for any existing buildings to be carried out within railway protection areas should be forwarded to the THSR for comment.