
Human Rights Policy

Implementation of Mitigation Measures for Human Rights Risks
Human Rights Issues Stakeholders Human Rights Policy Implementation of Mitigation Measures for Human Rights Risks International Human Rights Conventions
Freedom of Association Employees We ensure employees have freedom to form associations for various purposes, and to participate or refrain from participating in association composition and related affairs.
  1. We support freedom of association for our employees, who have currently established more than one hundred different clubs.
  2. We protect our employees' right to organize. Currently, two labor unions (a corporate union and an industry union) have been formed within the Corporation. The Corporation periodically convenes meetings with these unions to build harmonious and strong labor-management relationships.
  1. Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  2. Article 8 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  3. International Labour Convention No. 87: Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention
Care for Disadvantaged Groups Employees/Employee Family Members/Passengers/Community Residents We focus on public policy and various charities, and participate in the community development and education activities of civic organizations, charitable organizations, and local governmental institutes.
  1. We hire disabled and indigenous individuals in accordance with law, and provide group insurance, compensation payments, and relief payments for hospitalization, medical care, and major hazards.
  2. We provide passenger guidance services as well as accessible seating, elevators, parking spaces, and toilets as part of our commitment to offer a friendly and accessible environment for our passengers, and we have formulated a comprehensive service program.
  3. Our "High-Speed Educational Endowment Program" provides educational opportunities for economically disadvantaged groups; our "THSRC Smiling Train Program" works with various educational and charitable institutes to help disadvantaged groups obtain free or discounted HSR tickets; and our "Winter Outreach Blood Drive" helps to relieve blood shortages during the winter season.
Article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Accessibility
Prohibition of Child Labor Community Residents We do not employ any child laborers younger than 15 years of age. To protect children's right to education, we filter out child laborers under 15 years of age when assessing job candidates. The Corporation does not currently employ any child laborers. Article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Eradication of Forced Labor Employees We prohibit use of any form of forced labor through abuse, intimidation, detainment, or other illegal means.
  1. We do not retain personal identification documents of personnel reporting for work and also do not require prior payment of any fees.
  2. All wages are paid in full, save where otherwise provided by law (legally withheld funds, health insurance and labor pension co-payments, employee welfare funds, union fees, and so on).
  3. Employees provide their services voluntarily.
  1. Article 8 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  2. International Labour Convention No. 100: Equal Remuneration Convention
Eradication of Hiring and Employment Discrimination Employees/Job Candidates We avoid discrimination and differential treatment in all forms to realize diversity and enhance equality in the workplace.
  1. The Corporation does not discriminate in any way during the hiring process.
  2. We provide employee lactation rooms to support breastfeeding policies.
  3. Those who apply for statutory leave without pay (infant care, injury, illness, and military service) and who have worked for less than 183 days in the year, regardless of gender, will be subject to the annual salary adjustment system after reinstatement. We have 136 people applied for parental leave, including 23 males and 113 females for 2021.
  1. Article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  2. International Labour Convention No. 111: Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
  3. International Labour Convention No. 183: Maternity Protection Convention
  4. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
Abolish Violations of Human Rights Employees We ensure that individual employees have appropriate channels for clarification and grievance reporting when their legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon, and make sure that they are not subject to any form of adverse treatment.
  1. We have formulated preventive measures and grievance reporting procedures for sexual harassment and publicly disclosed these within the workplace; additionally, our two-tiered grievance processing mechanism solidifies our internal grievance system and ensures that the problems of each employee are appropriately handled.
  2. Our appraisals and penalties for violations or noncompliance of laws, regulations, and internal Corporation rules are handled in accordance with regulations governing rewards and disciplinary actions.
  3. We provided training for protection of human rights2,026 hours on legal compliance and prevention of workplace bullying,428 employees had participated and accounted for 3.4 of the total number of employees; 39 hours on sexual harassment, 560 employees had participated and accounted for 12 of the total number of employees;12,447 hours on occupational safety,4,149 employees had participated and accounted for 88.88 of the total number of employees; 2,334 hours on ethics and morals, 4,668 employees had participated and accounted for 100 of the total number of employees; 2,334 hours on prevention of insider trading, 4,668 employees had participated and accounted for 100 of the total number of employees; the total number of training hours for 2021 were 19,180 hours.
Article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Friendly Workplace Employees/Employee Family Members We help our employees to find a balance between work-life conflicts so as to build a friendly workplace and enhance employee loyalty.
  1. We disclosed remuneration information for full-time non-managerial employees: average remuneration for 2021 was NT$934,000, a 1.3% increase over the previous year. We annually review the competitiveness of our remuneration so that our employees can receive reasonable compensation.
  2. We provide employees with appropriate leisure spaces and facilities such as softball fields, basketball courts, badminton courts, gym equipment, and so on. We host a variety of sports competitions and invite family members of employees to participate.
  3. Our "HSR Family Day Activity" gives employee family members a chance to visit our maintenance depots and other places of work, providing a fun experience within the workplace and bringing our employees together.
  4. Each department hosts birthday celebrations and dinner parties to enhance employee relationships.
  5. We have established mechanisms to protect the physical and mental health of our employees and to build a healthy and friendly work environment.
Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Safe Work Environment Employees We protect employee safety and strive to prevent workplace hazards from occurring.
  1. We formulated and executed annual programs for occupational health and safety management reviews and rewards, including our "Rewards Program for Occupational Health and Safety Management" and our "Rewards Program for Reporting Near Misses of Occupational Health and Safety Hazards".
  2. We organized safety promotion activities including safety culture assessments, check-ups of employee scooters, free shuttle buses for areas with high traffic hazard risks, and traffic safety lectures. In order to reduce traffic hazards, we submitted proposals for improvements, hosted safety awareness competitions, and created promotional materials.
  3. We obtained certification of our occupational health and safety management systems and follow-up procedures; impartial reviews from third parties allow the Corporation's occupational health and safety management system to operate sustainably and continue to improve, allowing us to achieve our ultimate target of zero hazards and zero accidents.
  1. Article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  2. International Labour Convention No. 155: Occupational Safety and Health Convention
  3. International Labour Convention No. 161: Occupational Health Services Convention
  4. International Labour Conventions No. 187: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention
Promotion of Employee Health Employees Enhance employee health.
  1. We continue to evaluate employee health check items. The frequency and number of items included in our employee health checks exceed that required by law. Starting from 2018, we also added advanced microscopy and imaging inspection items for senior employees (those above 45 years of age and who have worked at the Corporation for more than 10 years), and provided flexible health check programs according to individual needs.
  2. We advanced our employee health management system. Apart from evaluations by medical personnel, health check results were compiled and analyzed by a personalized "EHM Employee Health Management Platform", and analysis results were used to plan and manage various health promotion activities suitable for our employees.
  3. Every year, we host health promotion activities such as lectures on healthy diets, weight loss, and quitting smoking; influenza vaccines; and health and physical fitness inspection activities.
  4. In response to spread of Covid-19,employees needed to get COVID-19 vaccine shots. As of March,2021, 90% employees got a shot , a total of 4,271 employees.
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Supply Chain Management Suppliers To achieve our target for sustainable operations, we continue to communicate with different partners in our supply chain regarding establishment of comprehensive management measures for human rights issues (such as prohibited use of child labor, compliance with legal work hours, equality in hiring procedures, and freedom of association).
  1. Our tender notices stipulate that we oppose all discriminatory behaviors (include discrimination towards women, indigenous people, and disadvantaged groups). Major violators of this policy, if discovered, are blacklisted.
  2. When submitting bids, suppliers have to submit Enterprise Social Responsibility Commitment with relevant labor laws and internationally accepted labor rights.