Multi-Ride / Periodic Ticket
8% off rail fares is offered for 8 rides within 60 days; 18% off rail fares is offered for 10 rides within 30 days.
Latest News Releases
- Extension of ticket validity period during 2025 Chinese New Year Holidays (January 25 to February 2). Should the validity period of Multi-ride Ticket overlaps with CNY holidays, the term will be automatically extended by the number of days that overlap.(Detail)
- The ticket replenishment service on "Taiwan High Speed Rail App"
Starting from 2023/10/16, replenishment of a Multi-Ride Ticket can be made via the newly upgraded "Taiwan High Speed Rail App"(Chinese version only).
I. Issuer Information
- Issuer:
Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation - Customer Service Hotline:
4066-3000; for Miaoli, Taitung, Kinmen, Matsu areas and mobile phone users, please dial 02-4066-3000.
* Please note that these numbers are not toll-free. - Website:
II. Overview of Ticket Types
- A Multi-Ride Ticket allows a specified number of rides to and from designated stations at a discounted rate within the offer validity period. THSRC Multi-ride Tickets are sold in the form of registered (name-bearing) contactless smart cards.
- Multi-ride Tickets are not available for travel between Nangang and Taipei, Nangang and Banqiao, and Taipei and Banqiao.
- Multi-Ride Ticket Offers:
Offer Validity Period | Rides Available | Discount |
60 days | 8 rides | 8% off |
30 days | 10 rides | 18% off |
- Holders of old Multi-ride Tickets valid for 8 rides within 45 days can still travel after 2019/3/15, with their rights and interests unchanged.
- The old Multi-ride Ticket contactless smart card can be reused for the purchase of NEW Multi-ride Tickets valid for 8 rides within 60 days or 10 rides within 30 days. However, please seek renewal after the previous Multi-ride Ticket is fully used as smart card chips are unable to store Multi-ride Tickets with different plans or intervals.
III. Purchase, Replenishment, Modification, Refund, Loss Claim, and Transaction Record Inquiry
A Multi-Ride Ticket can be purchased at any THSR station ticket window and may only be used by the registered cardholder. A one-time nonrefundable card issuance fee of NT$100 must be paid upon initial purchase of a Multi-Ride Ticket. The purchase process is as follows:- Fill out the card application form, available at passenger service counter, or download and fill out the application form from the THSRC website and submit it to any THSR station ticket window.
- One may approach the THSR stations him/herself, or authorize someone to purchase the Multi-Ride Ticket on his/her behalf. A valid identification document (with photo) and one 2-inch colored photo which was taken within six months of the intended cardholder is required for verification and card issuing purposes. If a photo cannot be provided, the intended cardholder must present himself/herself at the station and the THSRC staff will take a photo on spot (at no extra charge and no airbrushing, photo prints, file or re-make will be provided).
- A Multi-Ride Ticket may be collected on spot after paying the Multi-Ride Ticket fare and a one-time nonrefundable card issuance fee of NT$100. Please fill in the registered cardholder's name at the proper space if it cannot be printed on the card.
- The replenishment of a Multi-Ride Ticket can be made via any THSR station or by using the THSR App (Chinese version only). The customer who would like to replenish the account balance at THSR station ticket window, must present the original ticket.
- The customer who completes the replenishment via THSR App, should download the transaction data to the original ticket by tapping the card on reader of the ticket inquiry kiosk before using the ticket.
- A replenished ticket may not be used until the original number of rides is used up or the original offer validity period has ended.
- Once sold, a Multi-Ride Ticket cannot be modified. If a registered cardholder needs to make a modification, he/she shall follow the refund process and purchase a new Multi-Ride Ticket.
- The registered cardholder may request for a partial refund at any THSR station ticket window within one year* from the date of expiry.
- Those who have completed online replenishment through THSR App can make refund through the App directly before the replenished ticket is downloaded to the card.
- Except where otherwise stipulated, a refund shall be calculated based on the actual fare paid of the ticket minus the sum of number of ride(s) that have already been taken (defined as the full fare of a non-reserved seat on the purchasing date) and a NT$20 processing fee. If the final balance is negative, no refund shall be made.
- The Multi-Ride Ticket cannot be returned and there is no refund on the card issuance fee.
*Note: With effective from September 1, 2017, the deadline for Multi-Ride Ticket registered cardholder to claim partial refund will change from within 2 years to 1 year after card expiry date.
- In the event that a Multi-Ride Ticket is lost or stolen, the registered cardholder may approach a THSR station in person or contact THSRC through any of the channels listed on THSRC website Contact US to report and have it suspended. The registered cardholder is advised to contact local police office to report the loss before processing the loss claim. In the event that a third party assumes the identity of the registered cardholder and uses the card after a loss has been reported, THSRC will bear the said risk of loss. Once a card has been reported lost or stolen, it will be permanently suspended and will not be reinstated under any circumstances.
- After reporting the lost, the registered cardholder may choose either to receive a refund or to have a new card issued. If the registered cardholder opts for a refund, THSRC will calculate the refund based on the remaining balance of the Multi-Ride Ticket in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of which is regulated in the Guidelines. If the registered cardholder opts to have a new card issued, THSRC will issue a new card that includes the original remaining rides and offer validity period from the original card. However, the registered cardholder shall be required to pay for the new card issuance fee of NT$100.
- If a registered cardholder possesses more than one Multi-Ride Ticket and is unable to provide definitive proof to THSRC to determine which Multi-Ride Ticket was lost, THSRC may refuse to process the reported loss.
- In case the Multi-Ride Ticket lost after entering the ticket gate, the registered cardholder should repurchase a ticket marked “Lost and Repurchased” for the journey with the same origin and destination station on the same day. If the original Multi-Ride Ticket is subsequently found, the passenger may present the ticket marked “Lost and Repurchased,” and either the original ticket or personal identity document to request a refund within one year. THSRC shall refund 80% of the value of the “Lost and Repurchased” ticket minus the processing fee. Once THSRC verifies that the original Multi-Ride Ticket has been used to complete a journey, the request of refund will be rejected, except cases where the loss claim and suspension report was in effect before the journey was completed.
- Each time the registered cardholder uses a Multi-Ride Ticket, the ticket barrier will display the offer validity period and the remaining number of available rides on the card.
- The registered cardholder may use the ticket inquiry kiosk, the inquiry system on the THSRC website, or the THSR App to access the usage record for the past year.
IV. Offer Validity Period
- The offer validity period is calculated based on consecutive calendar days. A Multi-Ride Ticket is valid from the first day of use after purchase or renewal until the end of business hours on the date of expiry.
- If THSRC announces the suspension of Multi-Ride Tickets due to passenger volume control for holidays or any other special situation, THSRC will extend the effective period of Multi-Ride Tickets by a number of days equal to the length of the suspension.
- In the event that THSRC services are suspended due to a force majeure event lasting one (1) day or longer, the effective date of Multi-Ride Ticket shall be extended by the same number of days that the service was suspended.
V. Terms of Use
- The Multi-Ride Ticket is a contactless smart card. To use the card, simply place or swipe it above the designated sensor area at the ticket barrier. After the validity of the card is confirmed, the gate will open automatically. Each time the Multi-Ride Ticket is used to enter a gate, one usable ride will be deducted.
- The Multi-Ride Ticket is restricted to the use of non-reserved seats only.
- Travelling with a Multi-Ride Ticket must be completed within 3 hours and 30 minutes calculated by turnstile entry and exit time. If a passenger starts or ends a trip at a mid-way station, the unused portion of that particular ride shall be void and no refund shall be made.
- Please ensure that your Multi-Ride Ticket remains in good condition; avoid smearing, folding, scratching, grinding, exposure to high temperatures, and twisting. In the event that a card is damaged and cannot be read, THSRC shall bar the customer from boarding and no refund shall be made.
- During the ticket inspection process, If the registered cardholder's name or photo on the card is discovered to be defaced and cannot be identified, passengers shall be requested to exchange for a new one at the station ticket window. Should the damage on the card is made deliberately, passengers will be charge with an additional card issuance fee of NT$100. Passengers who refuse to exchange for a new card must pay the fare payable plus an additional penalty in accordance with THSRC regulations on traveling without a valid ticket.
- A Multi-Ride Ticket may only be used by the registered cardholder and may not be loaned, transferred, or otherwise provided for use by a third-party. If it is discovered that the user of a Multi-Ride Ticket is not the registered cardholder, the third-party must pay the full fare for traveling from the starting station to the destination station, plus an additional 50% on the fare for the section already travelled in accordance with THSRC regulations on traveling without a valid ticket. The Multi-Ride Ticket will also be immediately confiscated, and all associated losses shall be borne by the registered cardholder. However, if the registered cardholder can prove that he/she did not loan, transfer, or otherwise deliberately provide the ticket for use by the third-party, the Multi-Ride Ticket may be returned to the registered cardholder and the fare deducted upon entering the station for the trip in question will be refunded. The registered cardholder waives his/her right if the registered cardholder did not contact THSRC after the confiscation of the card, or the lost card is not collected within one year from the date of notice.
The actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey refers to the average cost per ride of the Multi-Ride Ticket fare. The amount of refund will be rounded down to the nearest integer. - In the event of an interruption, delay of the operation or air conditioner failure on the train, and where the passenger is entitled to a refund as a result thereof, the registered cardholder shall receive a refund based on the actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey according to the following regulations. To obtain a refund, the registered cardholder must present in person with the original card within one year of the affected ride at any THSR station ticket window. No service charge shall apply; however, refund requests made after the deadline shall not be accepted.
In the event that train service is interrupted, the registered cardholder who suffered from such interruption may make requests to THSRC based on either of the following methods, and THSRC shall process such requests accordingly based on his/her intent.- Free transportation back to the origin station and refund of the actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey without service charge.
- The foregoing registered cardholder may apply for refund of the actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey of the untaken section without service charge.
- When the delay is more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes and due to causes attributable to THSRC, the registered cardholder shall be refunded with 50% of the actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey. When the delay is more than sixty (60) minutes, the registered cardholder shall be refunded with the full actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey.
- In the event of natural disasters, accidents or other force majeure events, the compensation shall be limited to the necessary expenses by the registered cardholder arising out of such delay.
- When the delay is caused by reasons other than (a) and (b) above and the delay is more than thirty (30) minutes, the registered cardholder shall be refunded with 10% of the actual fare paid for one Multi-Ride Ticket journey.
- If the registered cardholder's trip is interrupted due to sickness or injury, the registered cardholder may request a refund of the untaken section within one year at any THSR station by presenting medical certificate.
VI. Privacy Policy
- The registered cardholder agrees to provide basic personal information to THSRC in order to enable THSRC to conduct services including, but not limited to, offering information services, statistical and market analysis.
- In the event of a change in the information provided by the registered cardholder, he/she shall notify THSRC to update the information on file accordingly in order to safeguard the relevant rights and benefits of the registered cardholder. If the registered cardholder has changed the contact telephone number after filling out the application form and does not inform THSRC accordingly, THSRC shall continue to use the registered cardholder's last registered contact telephone number as his/her contact information.
- In order to protect the registered cardholder's personal data and privacy, THSRC shall not provide, lend, or sell the registered cardholder's personal information to any third party that is unrelated to the transaction or service, unless the registered cardholder agrees or if it is required by law, or THSRC believes in good faith that it is required under applicable law to disclose such information.
- Certain personal information of the registered cardholder may be stored or printed on the Multi-Ride Ticket. Therefore, the registered cardholder shall keep the card secured at all times.
VII. Customer Services
- All income received by THSRC from selling Multi-Ride Tickets are deposited into a special trust account at the contracted bank or financial organization, where the said funds are exclusively used for the special purpose of the Multi-Ride Ticket program. The aforementioned "special purpose" means that the said funds may only be used to satisfy the service obligations of the Issuer.
- If THSRC is subject to cessation of operations, close down, dissolution, reorganization, bankruptcy, revocation of registration, or any matter which may render THSRC unable to fulfill its carrier service obligations as confirmed by a court of law or deemed by the competent authority, the property of the abovementioned trust along with all beneficiary rights shall be transferred to Multi-Ride Ticket registered cardholders starting from the day on which the abovementioned situation(s) occur, and the trustee shall take charge of matters including liquidating and returning the remaining balance of the trust to the beneficiaries.
VIII. Miscellaneous
- Any revision to these Guidelines shall be publicly announced by THSRC on the THSRC website and in all THSR stations. Such announcement shall include a summary of the revision(s) made, the relevant revised article(s), and the date of effectiveness.
- Unless otherwise specified, all matters shall be handled in accordance with the Passenger Transportation Contract.
IX. Ticket Fare
Station | Nangang | Taipei | Banqiao | Taoyuan | Hsinchu | Miaoli | Taichung | Changhua | Yunlin | Chiayi | Tainan | Zuoying |
Nangang | - | - | - | 1,555 | 2,620 | 3,810 | 5,945 | 6,885 | 7,705 | 8,895 | 11,025 | 12,135 |
Taipei | - | - | - | 1,270 | 2,295 | 3,400 | 5,535 | 6,515 | 7,380 | 8,565 | 10,700 | 11,845 |
Banqiao | - | - | - | 1,025 | 2,050 | 3,155 | 5,285 | 6,270 | 7,130 | 8,320 | 10,495 | 11,600 |
Taoyuan | 1,395 | 1,140 | 920 | - | 1,025 | 2,210 | 4,260 | 5,285 | 6,190 | 7,295 | 9,430 | 10,575 |
Hsinchu | 2,355 | 2,060 | 1,840 | 920 | - | 1,105 | 3,235 | 4,260 | 5,080 | 6,270 | 8,405 | 9,510 |
Miaoli | 3,420 | 3,050 | 2,830 | 1,985 | 990 | - | 2,130 | 3,075 | 3,975 | 5,080 | 7,295 | 8,405 |
Taichung | 5,335 | 4,965 | 4,745 | 3,825 | 2,905 | 1,910 | - | 1,025 | 1,800 | 2,990 | 5,165 | 6,270 |
Changhua | 6,180 | 5,850 | 5,630 | 4,745 | 3,825 | 2,760 | 920 | - | 860 | 1,965 | 4,180 | 5,285 |
Yunlin | 6,915 | 6,620 | 6,400 | 5,555 | 4,560 | 3,565 | 1,615 | 770 | - | 1,185 | 3,320 | 4,425 |
Chiayi | 7,985 | 7,690 | 7,470 | 6,550 | 5,630 | 4,560 | 2,685 | 1,765 | 1,065 | - | 2,210 | 3,235 |
Tainan | 9,895 | 9,600 | 9,420 | 8,460 | 7,540 | 6,550 | 4,635 | 3,750 | 2,980 | 1,985 | - | 1,105 |
Zuoying | 10,890 | 10,635 | 10,410 | 9,490 | 8,535 | 7,540 | 5,630 | 4,745 | 3,970 | 2,905 | 990 | - |
NT Dollars | ||||||||||||
Multi-ride Ticket valid for 8 rides within 60 days | Multi-ride Ticket valid for 10 rides within 30 days * The Multi-Ride Ticket is not available for travel between Nangang and Taipei, Nangang and Banqiao, Taipei and Banqiao. |

Latest News Releases
- Extension of ticket validity period during 2025 Chinese New Year Holidays (January 25 to February 2). Should the validity period of Periodic Ticket overlaps with CNY holidays, the term will be automatically extended by the number of days that overlap. (Detail)
- The ticket replenishment service on "Taiwan High Speed Rail App" .
Starting from 2023/10/16, replenishment of a Periodic Ticket can be made via the newly upgraded "Taiwan High Speed Rail App"(Chinese version only).
I. Issuer Information
- Issuer:
Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation - Customer Service Hotline:
4066-3000; for Miaoli, Taitung, Kinmen, Matsu areas and mobile phone users, please dial 02-4066-3000.
* Please note that these numbers are not toll-free - Website:
II. Overview of Ticket Types
- A Periodic Ticket allows an unlimited number of rides to and from designated stations at a discounted rate within the offer validity period. THSRC Periodic Tickets are sold in the form of registered (name-bearing) contactless smart cards.
- Periodic Tickets are not available for travel between Nangang and Taipei, Nangang and Banqiao, and Taipei and Banqiao.
- Periodic Ticket Offers: 51% off rail fares is offered within a validity period of 30 consecutive calendar days during which unlimited rides in non-reserved seating may be taken between designated stations. The discount is calculated based on the full fares for Non-reserved Seats (2 rides per day).
III. Purchase, Replenishment, Modification, Refund, Loss Claim, and Transaction Record Inquiry
A Periodic Ticket can be purchased at any THSR station ticket window and may only be used by the registered cardholder. A one-time nonrefundable card issuance fee of NT$100 must be paid upon initial purchase of a Periodic Ticket. The purchase process is as follows:- Fill out the card application form, available at passenger service counter, or download and fill out the application form from the THSRC website and submit it to any THSR station ticket window.
- One may approach the THSR stations him/herself, or authorize someone to purchase the Periodic Ticket on his/her behalf. A valid identification document (with photo) and one 2-inch colored photo which was taken within six months of the intended cardholder is required for verification and card issuing purposes. If a photo cannot be provided, the intended cardholder must present himself/herself at the station and the THSRC staff will take a photo on spot (at no extra charge and no airbrushing, photo prints, file or re-make will be provided).
- A Periodic Ticket may be collected on spot after paying the Periodic Ticket fare and a one-time nonrefundable card issuance fee of NT$100. Please fill in the registered cardholder's name at the proper space if it cannot be printed on the card.
- The replenishment of a Periodic Ticket can be made via any THSR station or by using the THSR App (Chinese version only.) The customer who would like to replenish the account balance at THSR station ticket window, must present the original ticket.
- The customer who completes the replenishment via THSR App, should download the transaction data to the original ticket by tapping the card on reader of the ticket inquiry kiosk before using the ticket.
- The replenished Periodic Ticket is activated once the previous effective period is expired.
- Once sold, a Periodic Ticket cannot be modified. If a registered cardholder needs to make a modification, he/she shall follow the refund process and purchase a new Periodic Ticket.
- The registered cardholder may request for a partial refund at any THSR station ticket window during the effective period of the Periodic Ticket. No refund shall be made once the ticket is expired.
- Those who have completed online replenishment through THSR App can make refund through the App directly before the replenished ticket is downloaded to the card.
- Except where otherwise stipulated, a refund shall be calculated based on the actual fare paid of the Periodic Ticket minus (number of days passed * daily refund between specific section of stations + NT$20 processing fee). If the final balance is negative, no refund shall be made. The aforementioned daily refund between specific section of stations is as follows:
Daily refund between specific section of stations (NT dollars) Station Nangang Taipei Banqiao Taoyuan Hsinchu Miaoli Taichung Changhua Yunlin Chiayi Tainan Zuoying Nangang - Taipei * - Banqiao * * - Taoyuan 380 310 250 - Hsinchu 640 560 500 250 - Miaoli 930 830 770 540 270 - Taichung 1,450 1,350 1,290 1,040 790 520 - Changhua 1,680 1,590 1,530 1,290 1,040 750 250 - Yunlin 1,880 1,800 1,740 1,510 1,240 970 440 210 - Chiayi 2,170 2,090 2,030 1,780 1,530 1,240 730 480 290 - Tainan 2,690 2,610 2,560 2,300 2,050 1,780 1,260 1,020 810 540 - Zuoying 2,960 2,890 2,830 2,580 2,320 2,050 1,530 1,290 1,080 790 270 - NT Dollars * The Periodic Ticket is not available for travel between Nangang and Taipei, Nangang and Banqiao, Taipei and Banqiao. - The ‘number of days used' is referred to the number of days from the first use after purchase or the replenishment to the day of requesting a refund of the Periodic Ticket. The number of days used will be regarded as none if the Periodic Ticket is unused after purchased or replenished. Once the ticket is used, the day of requesting a refund shall be counted into the used portion with no refund.
- The Periodic Ticket cannot be returned and there is no refund on the card issuance fee.
- In the event that a Periodic Ticket is lost or stolen, the registered cardholder may approach a THSR station in person or contact THSRC through any of the channels listed on THSRC website Contact US to report and have it suspended. The registered cardholder is advised to contact local police office to report the loss before processing the loss claim. In the event that a third party assumes the identity of the registered cardholder and uses the card after a loss has been reported, THSRC will bear the said risk of loss. Once a card has been reported lost or stolen, it will be permanently suspended and will not be reinstated under any circumstances.
- After reporting the lost, the registered cardholder may choose either to receive a refund or to have a new card issued. If the registered cardholder opts for a refund, THSRC will calculate the refund based on the remaining balance of the Periodic Ticket in accordance with Article III, Section 3 of which is regulated in the Guidelines. If the registered cardholder opts to have a new card issued, THSRC will issue a new card carrying the balance effective period. However, the registered cardholder shall be required to pay for the new card issuance fee of NT$100.
- If a registered cardholder possesses more than one Periodic Ticket and is unable to provide definitive proof to THSRC to determine which Periodic Ticket was lost, THSRC may refuse to process the reported loss.
- In case the Periodic Ticket is lost after entering the ticket gate, the registered cardholder should repurchase a ticket marked “Lost and Repurchased” for the journey with the same origin and destination station on the same day. If the original Periodic Ticket is subsequently found, the passenger may present the ticket marked “Lost and Repurchased,” and either the original ticket or personal identity document to request a refund within one year. THSRC shall refund 80% of the value of the “Lost and Repurchased” ticket minus the processing fee. Once THSRC verifies that the original Periodic Ticket has been used to complete a journey, the request of refund will be rejected, except in cases where the loss claim and suspension report was in effect before the journey was completed.
- Each time the registered cardholder uses a Periodic Ticket, the ticket barrier will display the offer validity period of the card.
- The registered cardholder may use the ticket inquiry kiosk, the inquiry system on the THSRC website, or the THSR App to access the usage record for the past year.
IV. Offer Validity Period
- The offer validity period is calculated based on consecutive calendar days. A Periodic Ticket shall remain effective until the end of business hours on the 30th day starting from the first day of use after purchase or replenishment.
- If THSRC announces the suspension of Periodic Ticket due to passenger volume control for holidays, or any other special situation, THSRC will extend the effective period of the Periodic Ticket by a number of days equal to the length of the suspension.
- In the event that THSRC services are suspended due to a force majeure event lasting one (1) day or longer, the effective date of Periodic Ticket shall be extended by the same number of days that the service was suspended.
V. Terms of Use
- The Periodic Ticket is a contactless smart card. To use the card, simply place or swipe it above the designated sensor area at the ticket barrier. After the validity of the card is confirmed, the gate will open automatically.
- The Periodic Ticket is restricted to the use of non-reserved seats only.
- The Periodic ticket allows unlimited rides for a limited period. No refund or compensation is offered in case of termination of a journey due to injury or illness of the registered cardholder.
- In the event of an interruption, delay of the operation or air conditioner failure on the train, and where the passenger is entitled to a refund as a result thereof, the registered cardholder shall receive a conditional refund according to the following regulations. To obtain a refund, the registered cardholder must present in person with the original card within one year of the affected ride at any THSR station ticket window. No service charge shall apply; however, refund requests made after the deadline shall not be accepted.
In the event that train service is interrupted, the registered cardholder who suffered from such interruption may make requests to THSRC based on either of the following methods, and THSRC shall process such requests accordingly based on his/her intent.- Free transportation back to the origin station and refund of the average one-day fare without service charge.
- The foregoing registered cardholder may apply for the average one-day fare of the untaken section without service charge.
- When the delay is more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes and due to causes attributable to THSRC, the registered cardholder shall be refunded with 50% of the average one-day fare. When the delay is more than sixty (60) minutes, the registered cardholder shall be refunded with the average one-day fare.
- In the event of natural disasters, accidents or other force majeure events, the compensation shall be limited to the necessary expenses by the registered cardholder arising out of such delay.
- When the delay is caused by reasons other than (a) and (b) above and the delay is more than thirty (30) minutes, the registered cardholder shall be refunded with 10% of the average one-day fare.
If the air conditioner of the car taken malfunctions, the registered cardholder who were affected may request 20% of the average one-day fare as compensation.
The average one-day fare above refers to the average cost to the Periodic Ticket fare for the specific section of stations in the effective period. The amount of refund will be rounded down to the nearest integer. - Travelling with a Periodic Ticket must be completed within 3 hours and 30 minutes calculated by turnstile entry and exit time.
- Please ensure that your Periodic Ticket remains in good condition; avoid smearing, folding, scratching, grinding, exposure to high temperatures, and twisting. In the event that a card is damaged and cannot be read, THSRC shall bar the customer from boarding and no refund shall be made.
During the ticket inspection process, If the registered cardholder's name or photo on the card is discovered to be defaced and cannot be identified, passengers shall be requested to exchange for a new one at the station ticket window. Should the damage on the card is made deliberately, passengers will be charge with an additional card issuance fee of NT$100. Passengers who refuse to exchange for a new card must pay the fare payable plus an additional penalty in accordance with THSRC regulations on traveling without a valid ticket. - A Periodic Ticket may only be used by the registered cardholder and may not be loaned, transferred, or otherwise provided for use by a third-party. If it is discovered that the user of a Periodic Ticket is not the registered cardholder, the third-party must pay the full fare for traveling from the starting station to the destination station, plus an additional 50% on the fare for the section already travelled in accordance with THSRC regulations on traveling without a valid ticket. The Periodic Ticket will also be immediately confiscated, and all associated losses shall be borne by the registered cardholder. However, if the registered cardholder can prove that he/she did not loan, transfer, or otherwise deliberately provide the ticket for use by the third-party, the Periodic Ticket may be returned to the registered cardholder. The registered cardholder waives his/her right if the registered cardholder did not contact THSRC after the confiscation of the card, or the lost card is not collected within one year from the date of notice.
VI. Privacy Policy
- The registered cardholder agrees to provide basic personal information to THSRC in order to enable THSRC to conduct services including, but not limited to, offering information services, statistical and market analysis.
- In the event of a change in the information provided by the registered cardholder, he/she shall notify THSRC to update the information on file accordingly in order to safeguard the relevant rights and benefits of the registered cardholder. If the registered cardholder has changed the contact telephone number after filling out the application form and does not inform THSRC accordingly, THSRC shall continue to use the registered cardholder's last registered contact telephone number as his/her contact information.
- In order to protect the registered cardholder's personal data and privacy, THSRC shall not provide, lend, or sell the registered cardholder's personal information to any third party that is unrelated to the transaction or service, unless the registered cardholder agrees or if it is required by law, or THSRC believes in good faith that it is required under applicable law to disclose such information.
- Certain personal information of the registered cardholder may be stored or printed on the Periodic Ticket. Therefore, the registered cardholder shall keep the card secured at all times.
VII. Customer Services
- All income received by THSRC from selling Periodic Tickets are deposited into a special trust account at the contracted bank or financial organization, where the said funds are exclusively used for the special purpose of the Periodic Ticket program. The aforementioned "special purpose" means that the said funds may only be used to satisfy the service obligations of the Issuer.
- If THSRC is subject to cessation of operations, close down, dissolution, reorganization, bankruptcy, revocation of registration, or any matter which may render THSRC unable to fulfill its carrier service obligations as confirmed by a court of law or deemed by the competent authority, the property of the abovementioned trust along with all beneficiary rights shall be transferred to Periodic Ticket registered cardholders starting from the day on which the abovementioned situation(s) occur, and the trustee shall take charge of matters including liquidating and returning the remaining balance of the trust to the beneficiaries.
VIII. Miscellaneous
- Any revision to these Guidelines shall be publicly announced by THSRC on the THSRC website and in all THSR stations. Such announcement shall include a summary of the revision(s) made, the relevant revised article(s), and the date of effectiveness.
- Unless otherwise specified, all matters shall be handled in accordance with the Passenger Transportation Contract.
IX. Ticket Fare
Station | Nangang | Taipei | Banqiao | Taoyuan | Hsinchu | Miaoli | Taichung | Changhua | Yunlin | Chiayi | Tainan | Zuoying |
Nangang | - | |||||||||||
Taipei | * | - | ||||||||||
Banqiao | * | * | - | |||||||||
Taoyuan | 5,585 | 4,555 | 3,675 | - | ||||||||
Hsinchu | 9,405 | 8,230 | 7,350 | 3,675 | - | |||||||
Miaoli | 13,670 | 12,200 | 11,315 | 7,935 | 3,965 | - | ||||||
Taichung | 21,315 | 19,845 | 18,960 | 15,285 | 11,610 | 7,640 | - | |||||
Changhua | 24,695 | 23,370 | 22,490 | 18,960 | 15,285 | 11,025 | 3,675 | - | ||||
Yunlin | 27,635 | 26,460 | 25,575 | 22,195 | 18,225 | 14,255 | 6,465 | 3,085 | - | |||
Chiayi | 31,895 | 30,720 | 29,840 | 26,165 | 22,490 | 18,225 | 10,730 | 7,055 | 4,260 | - | ||
Tainan | 39,540 | 38,365 | 37,630 | 33,810 | 30,135 | 26,165 | 18,520 | 14,990 | 11,905 | 7,935 | - | |
Zuoying | 43,510 | 42,480 | 41,600 | 37,925 | 34,100 | 30,135 | 22,490 | 18,960 | 15,875 | 11,610 | 3,965 | - |
NT Dollars | ||||||||||||
* The Periodic Ticket is not available for travel between Nangang and Taipei, Nangang and Banqiao, Taipei and Banqiao. |