Announces the change of representative of juristic person director
2025/03/141.Date of occurrence of the change: 2025/03/14
2.Name of legal person: Ministry of Transportation and Communications, R.O.C.
3.Name of the previous position holder: Mr. Tseng Huan-Tung
4.Resume of the previous position holder: Deputy Director, Department of Accounting, Ministry of Transportation and
Communications, R.O.C.
5.Name of the new position holder: Mr. Wu, Tung-Ling
6.Resume of the new position holder: Deputy Director, Department of Planning and Coordination, Ministry of Transportation and
Communications, R.O.C.
7.Reason for the change: Change in representative of juristic person director.
8.Original term (from __________ to __________): 2023/05/25-2026/05/24
9.Effective date of the new appointment: 2025/03/14
10.Any other matters that need to be specified: None