

Announcement of adjustments in the estimated amortization lives of certain operating concession assets

  • Date of the board of directors resolution:2019/1/23
  • The nature of the change: Changes in accounting estimates
  • Reason for the change:
    The Corporation adjusted the estimated amortization lives of its certain operating concession asset based on the evaluations of the Corporation’s Asset Review Committee to ensure that the estimated amortization lives appropriately reflect the economic substance and the expected future economic benefits of the Corporation’s operating concession assets.
  • The prior periods affected by retrospective application of the new accounting policy: Not applicable
  • The line items affected and the actual effect for the immediately preceding financial year:
    The adjustment in accounting estimates are expected to increase the Corporation’s amortization expense by approximately NT$716 million for the ending of 2019 year.
  • The actual effect on the opening balance of retained earnings for the immediately preceding financial year: Not applicable
  • The reasonableness and necessity for the change in accounting policy or accounting estimate after the beginning of the financial year:
    Using the vast experience and technical expertise that it has developed since the launch of passenger rolling stock service, especially in the area of maintenance, in addition to the scheduling of rolling stock mid-life refurbishment and general inspection program, the Corporation periodically reviews the expected economic benefits of its assets and changes in circumstances, such as the operating environment, that could result in the actual lives differing from the Corporation’s current estimates. During the Asset Review Committee of the Corporation reviewed the estimated amortization lives of certain operating concession assets and determined that adjustments in these estimates are appropriate. Revisions of the estimated amortization lives, became effective on January 1, 2019.On January 23, 2019, the Board of Directors of the Corporation resolved the implementation of the recommended adjustments.
  • If retrospective application is impracticable, specify the reasons, how and from when the accounting policy change be applied: Not applicable
  • If retrospective application is impracticable, CPA provides the opinion about the impact of the audit opinion for the financial year preceding the accounting change: Not applicable
  • About the reasonableness of the item 2 to 9, the itemized analysis and reviewed opinion from CPA:
    The opinion of Mei-Yen Chiang, CPA with Deloitte & Touche, is set forth briefly as below:
    • I. The adjustments in accounting estimates have demonstrated compliance with the relevant requirements under Article 6 of the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by a Securities Issuer.
    • II. The Asset Review Committee of Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (the "Corporation") approved the adjustments of the estimated amortization lives of certain operating concession assets under intangible assets, following their reviews of the reasons for adjusting the period of estimated amortization lives, as well as examining the relevant supporting documentation. The table below shows the assets amortization lives before and after the adjustments:
      Operating concession assets subject
      to adjustments in accounting estimates
      Before the adjustment After the adjustment
      Items Estimated amortization life (years) Estimated amortization life (years)
      Buildings i.Wayside building and building service 50 10-50
      Machinery and equipment ii.Maintenance equipment and tools 5-35 5-35
      iii.Computer and technology equipment 2.5-35 2.5-35
      Transportation equipment iv.Signaling system 5-35 5-35
      v.Rolling stock system 7-35 7-35
    • III. The reasons for the above mentioned adjustments of estimated amortization lives are described as follows:
      • The estimated amortization lives of wayside building and building service under the category of buildings, Which considering that the building material is foam insulation board rather than reinforced concrete, the estimated useful lives of temporary modular buildings, have been shortened to 10 years from 50 years.
      • The estimated amortization lives of the shoulder cleaning devices of the train wash plant, which are classified as maintenance equipment and tools under the category of machinery and equipment, have been shortened to 10 years from 35 years. This is after taking into account the actual usage of the equipment including, that the constant contact with chemical cleaning agents is causing corrosion and deterioration of the said equipment, and the assessment of the maintenance staff based on their experience of performing maintenance to date.
      • The estimated amortization lives of MMIS Server Cabinets of the maintenance information system, classified as Computer and Technology Equipment under the category of machinery and equipment, have been adjusted from 35 years to 15 years. This is after taking the equipment’s usage status, and considering factors, such as the original manufacturer has stopped producing and stopped providing support for such a product.
      • The estimated amortization lives of data acquire box and control PC for electronic interlocking device, classified as Signaling system under the category of transportation equipment, have been adjusted from 20&35 years to 15 years. This is according with their actual usage status, and should be replaced ahead of schedule; in addition, some items have been assessed to have shorter estimated amortization lives, after considering such factors as, the original manufacturer has stopped producing the said items and the aging of said items.
      • The estimated amortization lives of electronic control devices, refrigeration electric control devices and on-board signaling equipment, classified as rolling stock system under the category of transportation equipment, have been adjusted from 35 years to 16 years. This is according to the equipment’s usage status, and taking into account the Employer’s Functional and Technical Requirements (EFTR) of the Corporation.
    • IV. The Corporation considering as above factors, during the Asset Review Committee of the Corporation reviewed and determined that adjustments in these estimates amortization lives, as set forth in the table in Section II, became effective on January 1, 2019.
    • V. No material unreasonable events were discovered in the review of the meeting minutes, as provided by the Asset Review Committee of the Corporation, or other relevant analytical data, such as useful lives assessment recommendations for various equipment, renewal procurement plans for some assets, and mid-life refurbishment and general inspection schedules for rolling stocks.
  • Objection or reservation opinion from the independent directors: None
  • Countermeasures: None
  • Any other matters that need to be specified: Changes in accounting estimates were resolved at a meeting of the Board of Directors and announced in accordance with reporting requirements on January 23, 2019. Same information will be reported to the latest upcoming shareholders’ meeting.